It isn't Co2 (sorry I know that's likely unpopular for most to hear), it's (primarily) the sun.
Real quick, rising Co2 doesn't cause wildfires, trees love Co2, visit a greenhouse. Wildfires are a result of (bleep holes) running around lighting fires. Look it up, nearly 200 people arrested so far in Australia for arson.
Ocean rise prediction data (focused on Co2) fails to account for increased plant intake due to plant growth explosion. Similarly, population reduction doesn't account for the 12 gallons of water that makes up an average male. Reduce population by 1 million average men, increase water levels by approx 12 million gallons.
The ice was always supposed to melt, it's a byproduct of a catastrophe.
However, the long answer to your point is technically "classified" by the U.S. military and a secret. It was part of my training in the USAF, couldn't do my job unless they told me. What's classified is less the information but more our comprehension of it. Foreign nations know of it, they just don't have the big picture. Once you know, Climate Change is literally a hoax as it's currently being peddled.
This is one entity that monitors the real source of our "Climate Change" NOAA
This site also has some good info; Earth's Electromagnetic Field
My previous source was NORAD, I'm retired now, can't access it so, NOAA is the closest thing I've found publically available. We referred to it as "Geo-Planetary Index", it was/is monitored by the "minute" because it's that critical to success of the military's mission.
I don't know if politicians know the truth but some manufacturers clearly do. One example; ECC_memory
I'm not a fan of using Wiki however, the author of this excerpt from the above link knows what I know; "research has shown that the majority of one-off soft errors in DRAM chips occur as a result of background radiation, chiefly neutrons from cosmic ray secondaries, which may change the contents of one or more memory cells or interfere with the circuitry used to read or write to them.[3] Hence, the error rates increase rapidly with rising altitude; for example, compared to sea level, the rate of neutron flux is 3.5 times higher at 1.5 km and 300 times higher at 10–12 km (the cruising altitude of commercial airplanes).[4] As a result, systems operating at high altitudes require special provision for reliability."
If the public really wants to have an appreciable effect on the temperature, find a way to make the roadways, solar panels white/reflective. Plant more green things...
Edit/Update: Just keep this in mind, Co2 not being the cause isn't my "opinion". It doesn't matter if you have a PhD in "Climate Studies", it doesn't change reality.
More things to consider:
How many colliders are on the planet? (Hint: 40% are underground/classified i.e. don't exist, why?) What alternative things are they used for beyond scientific study? When do they fire them? Where are they geo located, what's unique about their placement? Why are they often fired simultaneously on opposite sides of the globe? Who controls them?
Answers those questions, you'll realize "they" know it's not Co2, and you'll know it too.