Purpose of my question: I create program to calculate solar radiation and I need to calculate radius between sun and earth.
The based on book "Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP" For Scientists and Engineers, By David R. Brooks. The code is derived from this link which is a calculator. I edited the code to C.
Radius calculation
In my code the radius calculation is defined as
o->R =1.000001018*(1.0-e*e)/(1.0+e*cos(f));
where e - eccentricity of the earth's orbit:
f- true anomaly of the sun:
void getSolarPosition(INPUTS * i, SOLPOS *o) {
if ( !i->JulianDate )
i->JulianDate = getJulianDate(i); // date must be set to calculate Julian Date
double degRad = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886; // PI/180.0
// 2451545.0 - January 1, 2000, at 12:00:00 UT
double T=( i->JulianDate-2451545.0)/36525.0;
// L0 - geometric mean longitude of the sun:
double L0=280.46645+36000.76983*T+0.0003032*T*T;
// M - Mean anomaly of the sun:
double M = 357.52910+35999.05030*T-0.0001559*T*T-0.00000048*T*T*T;
double M_rad = M * degRad;
// e - eccentricity of the earth's orbit:
double e=0.016708617-0.000042037*T-0.0000001236*T*T;
// C - sun's center
double C=(1.914600-0.004817*T-0.000014*T*T) * sin(M_rad)
double L_save=(L0+C)/360.;
// L_true - True longitude of the sun
double L_true;
if (L_save < 0.)
L_true = (L0+C) - ceil(L_save)*360.;
L_true = (L0+C) - floor(L_save)*360.;
if (L_true < 0.) L_true+=360.;
// f - true anomaly of the sun:
double f = M_rad + C * degRad;
// Earth-sun distance:
o->R =1.000001018*(1.0-e*e)/(1.0+e*cos(f));
// Sidereal time (Theta0)
double Sidereal_time=280.46061837+
360.98564736629*( i->JulianDate-2451545.) +
0.000387933*T*T - T*T*T/38710000.;
// Replacement code for Sidereal=fmod(Sidereal,360.)
double S_save=Sidereal_time/360.;
if (S_save < 0.) Sidereal_time=Sidereal_time-ceil(S_save)*360.;
else Sidereal_time=Sidereal_time-floor(S_save)*360.;
if (Sidereal_time < 0.) Sidereal_time+=360.;
// Obliquity - (Axial tilt)
o->obliquity=23.0+26./60.+21.448/3600.-46.8150/3600.*T-0.00059/3600.*T*T + 0.001813/3600.*T*T*T;
// right_ascension: tan(alpha)
o->right_ascension = atan2(sin(L_true*degRad)*cos( o->obliquity*degRad ),
// declination: sin(delta)
o->declination = asin(sin( o->obliquity*degRad )*sin(L_true*degRad));
// hour angle H of the sun with respect to the observer's longitude Lobs
o->hour_angle=Sidereal_time + i->lon - o->right_ascension / degRad;
o->elevation = (asin(sin( i->lat*degRad )*sin( o->declination)+cos(i->lat*degRad)*cos( o->declination )*cos( o->hour_angle*degRad )))/degRad;
// Solar Zenit Angle
o->Z = 90.-o->elevation;
This is function to calculate solar position. It works exactly the same as Bird and Hulstrom's Solar Irradiance Model refered the calculator (see link above). Here I use i input object where input data are are saved and o ouput object where the calculated data regarding solar position are saved after they are calculated. atan2 - Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, expressed in radians (whatever it means, this is taken from C/C++ manual -
- I am not mathematician
). Ceil rounds up; floor rounds down.
The problem is that if I set old date like 1849/06/31 11:15 The Solar constant corrected to Radius does not fit the historical records. In the case the result would 1322.3 be for SolConst 1367. Which is crazy. According historical data it should be 1361.035. So I expect the radius is wrong calculated.
Earth/Sun distance correction is made in another function to calculate solar radiation. The code:
// Earth/sun distance correction, Rsq = 1/R^2
// double Rsq=(1.00011+0.034221*cos(6.28318*(d-1)/365)+0.00128*sin(6.28318*(d-1)/365)+0.000719*cos(2*(6.28318*(d-1)/365))+0.000077*sin(2*(6.28318*(d-1)/365)));
double Rsq=1.0/ (solpos.R*solpos.R) ;
I would like to ask you:
1) where can I get historical records of the sun-earth radius
2) what is wrong with this formula or this calculation? Can you suggest better formula?
Edit: I add the code needed to calculate radiation and solar constant correction.
void getSolRadBird(INPUTS i, SOLPOS solpos, SOLRAD * o)
double degRad = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
// relative air mass
double AM=1./(cos( solpos.Z*degRad )+0.15*pow(93.885-solpos.Z,-1.25));
double AMp=AM*i.sitePressure/1013.;
// Rayleigh
double Tr=exp(-0.0903*pow(AMp,0.84)*(1+AMp-pow(AMp,1.01)));
// ozone
double Ozm=i.ozone*AM;
double Toz=1.-0.1611*Ozm*pow(1.+139.48*Ozm,-0.3035)-0.002715*Ozm/(1.+0.044*Ozm+0.0003*pow(Ozm,2.));
// mixed gases
double Tm=exp(-0.0127*pow(AMp,0.26));
// water vapor
double Wm=AM * i.water;
// total water vapor
double Tw=1.-2.4959*Wm/((1.+pow(79.034*Wm,0.6828))+6.385*Wm);
// daily turbidity
// Ta5=A*sin((Dan-B)*PI/180.)+C; aerosol optical depth at 500 nm
// Ta3=Ta5+0.1;
double Ta5=i.AOT500;
double Ta3=i.AOT380;
double Tau=0.2758*Ta3+0.35*Ta5;
double Ta=exp((-pow(Tau,0.873))*(1.+Tau-(pow(Tau,0.7088)))*pow(AM,0.9108));
double TAA=1.-0.1*(1.-AM+pow(AM,1.06))*(1.-Ta);
double TAs=Ta/TAA;
double Rs=0.0685+(1.-0.84)*(1.-TAs);
// clear irradiance
double Io=i.SolConst;
// direct
// Earth/sun distance correction, Rsq = 1/R^2
// double d=f.doy;
// double Rsq=(1.00011+0.034221*cos(6.28318*(d-1)/365)+0.00128*sin(6.28318*(d-1)/365)+0.000719*cos(2*(6.28318*(d-1)/365))+0.000077*sin(2*(6.28318*(d-1)/365)));
double Rsq=1.0/ (solpos.R*solpos.R) ;
//alert("R= "+Rsq);
double Id=Rsq*Io*.9662*Tr*Toz*Tm*Tw*Ta;
// direct on horizontal surface
double Idh=Id*cos(solpos.Z*degRad);
// diffuse (scattered)
double Ias=0.79*Io*cos(solpos.Z*degRad)*Toz*Tm*Tw*TAA;
// total dif + dir on horizontal
double Itot=(Idh+Ias)/(1.-i.albedo*Rs);
double Idif=Itot-Idh;
// Save the values
o->air_m = AM;
o->direct = Idh;
o->diffuse = Idif;
o->total = Itot;
o->S_corrected = Rsq*Io;
and other parameters related to the Earth's orbit. You are not showing how you are correcting the solar constant. $\endgroup$1.000001018*(1.0-e*e)/(1.0+e*cos(f))
taken from here: [url]books.google.cz/… You can also to open the calculator and view the source code in JavaScript. I think the calculation of the Solar Constant correction or radiation is not needed for calculating R. $\endgroup$0->R
rather than the solar constant. Your calculation of the radius looks correct. Your bug most likely is somewhere else. That said, since your code is in C, learn to use your debugger. $\endgroup$