
I'm trying to compile a list of remote sensing (Earth observing satellite) instruments capable of detecting methane in the atmosphere or near surface of Earth. After some search I have found:

  • Japanese Greenhouse gases observing satellite (GOSAT), launched 2009, measuring CO2 and CH4.
  • European Sentinel 5 and Sentinel 5 Precursor, measuring wide variety of atmospheric contents, 5P to be launched in 2016.
  • Beginning private company GHGSAT, measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) and air quality gas (AQG) emissions.

Are there any other satellites?


1 Answer 1


I found a great paper named Remote Sensing of Particulate Pollution from Space: Have We Reached the Promised Land? and collected some remote sensing instruments doing CH4 measurement in the chart below.

It contains the information about the satellite, orbit types, instrument and the data time-range.

Satellite       Orbit       Instrument    Years

Nimbus-7        Polar       SAMS          1978-1983     
UARS            L56.9       CLAES         1991-1993     
UARS            L56.9       HALOE         1991-2005     
ADEOS           PS          IMG           1996-1997     
Terra           PS          MOPITT        1999-            
AQUA            PS          AIRS          2002-            
AURA            PS          HRDLS         2003-            
Envisat         PS          SCIAMACHY     2007-            
  • $\begingroup$ It definitely helps a lot. But the paper is from year 2009, so maybe we can find something additional. $\endgroup$
    – kakk11
    Aug 9, 2016 at 11:30
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This website(temis.nl/climate/methane.html) may give you a direct impression about the distribution and variation of CH4 in global scale. $\endgroup$ Aug 9, 2016 at 12:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ And its data were derived from GOAST and SCIAMMCHY. $\endgroup$ Aug 9, 2016 at 12:14

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