Does extrapolating current CO2 trends indicate 7632 PPM CO2 and 14C temperature anomaly within 200 years?
It looks like simply extrapolating the current trends of increasing atmospheric CO2 would show that totally unmitigated green house gas emissions (for the next 200 years) would result in more drastic climate change than ever seen in the last 600 million years. This period included several very extreme extinction events.
3.32 PPM annual CO2 increase compounded at the 1.9% annual growth rate derives 7632 PPM from the current 410 PPM.
This CO2 increase over preindustrial CO2 levels of 280 PPM derives a 3 * log2(7632 / 280) = 14.3C temperature anomaly over the 14C base temperature. 14C + 14C = 28C hotter than any time in the last 600 million years.
This derivation uses the current standard logarithmic casual relationship between increases in CO2 and global temperature: 3C ± 1.5C per CO2 doubling.
Below shows the basis of the extrapolated 7632 PPM CO2 calculations and a full table of each annual increment to global CO2 for the next 200 years.
Oct 31 2019: 409.64 ppm<br>
Oct 31 2018: 406.32 ppm<br>
3.32 CO2 Growth<br>
2014 2.11 ppm<br>
1959 0.73 ppm<br>
55 2.89 growth factor<br>
1.019 ^ 55 = 2.81 growth factor<br>
Thus a 1.9% annual acceleration to the current 3.32 PPM CO2 growth rate
Applying accelarating CO2 growth rate to current CO2 levels for 200 years: in 2219 we would have 7632 ppm of CO2. (See table).
3C ± 1.5C per CO2 doubling we derive:
3 * log2(7632 / 280) = 14.3C tempeature anomaly from 14C base.
28C is hotter than any time in the last 600 million years, thus the next 200 years of utterly unmitigated green house gas emissions would cause the most drastic climate change in 600 million years if we merely extrapolate the current trends.
If I got my {facts, climate science, math} correctly and CO2 continues to increase at its current accelerating rate for 200 years then the world will experience greater climate change than at anytime in the prior 600 million years.
Apparently we are already emitting much more than the 28GT RPC8.5 levels
My year 2100 emission projection of 1008 PPM matches RCP8.5
CO2_growth over 200 years at currently accelerating rate
1 3.32 409.64 2 3.38 412.96 3 3.45 416.34 4 3.51 419.79 5 3.58 423.30 6 3.65 426.88 7 3.72 430.53 8 3.79 434.25 9 3.86 438.03 10 3.93 441.89 11 4.01 445.83 12 4.08 449.83 13 4.16 453.92 14 4.24 458.08 15 4.32 462.32 16 4.40 466.64 17 4.49 471.04 18 4.57 475.53 19 4.66 480.10 20 4.75 484.76 21 4.84 489.51 22 4.93 494.35 23 5.02 499.28 24 5.12 504.30 25 5.22 509.42 26 5.31 514.63 27 5.42 519.95 28 5.52 525.36 29 5.62 530.88 30 5.73 536.51 31 5.84 542.24 32 5.95 548.08 33 6.06 554.03 34 6.18 560.09 35 6.30 566.27 36 6.42 572.56 37 6.54 578.98 38 6.66 585.52 39 6.79 592.18 40 6.92 598.97 41 7.05 605.88 42 7.18 612.93 43 7.32 620.12 44 7.46 627.43 45 7.60 634.89 46 7.74 642.49 47 7.89 650.24 48 8.04 658.13 49 8.19 666.17 50 8.35 674.36 51 8.51 682.71 52 8.67 691.22 53 8.83 699.89 54 9.00 708.73 55 9.17 717.73 56 9.35 726.90 57 9.53 736.25 58 9.71 745.78 59 9.89 755.48 60 10.08 765.37 61 10.27 775.45 62 10.47 785.72 63 10.66 796.19 64 10.87 806.85 65 11.07 817.72 66 11.28 828.79 67 11.50 840.08 68 11.72 851.58 69 11.94 863.29 70 12.17 875.23 71 12.40 887.40 72 12.63 899.80 73 12.87 912.43 74 13.12 925.30 75 13.37 938.42 76 13.62 951.79 77 13.88 965.41 78 14.14 979.29 79 14.41 993.43 80 14.69 1007.84 81 14.96 1022.53 82 15.25 1037.49 83 15.54 1052.74 84 15.83 1068.28 85 16.14 1084.11 86 16.44 1100.25 87 16.75 1116.69 88 17.07 1133.45 89 17.40 1150.52 90 17.73 1167.91 91 18.06 1185.64 92 18.41 1203.71 93 18.76 1222.11 94 19.11 1240.87 95 19.48 1259.98 96 19.85 1279.46 97 20.22 1299.31 98 20.61 1319.53 99 21.00 1340.14 100 21.40 1361.14 101 21.81 1382.54 102 22.22 1404.34 103 22.64 1426.56 104 23.07 1449.20 105 23.51 1472.27 106 23.96 1495.78 107 24.41 1519.74 108 24.88 1544.15 109 25.35 1569.03 110 25.83 1594.38 111 26.32 1620.21 112 26.82 1646.53 113 27.33 1673.35 114 27.85 1700.68 115 28.38 1728.53 116 28.92 1756.91 117 29.47 1785.82 118 30.03 1815.29 119 30.60 1845.32 120 31.18 1875.92 121 31.77 1907.10 122 32.38 1938.87 123 32.99 1971.24 124 33.62 2004.23 125 34.26 2037.85 126 34.91 2072.11 127 35.57 2107.01 128 36.25 2142.58 129 36.93 2178.83 130 37.64 2215.77 131 38.35 2253.40 132 39.08 2291.75 133 39.82 2330.83 134 40.58 2370.66 135 41.35 2411.24 136 42.14 2452.59 137 42.94 2494.72 138 43.75 2537.66 139 44.58 2581.41 140 45.43 2625.99 141 46.29 2671.42 142 47.17 2717.72 143 48.07 2764.89 144 48.98 2812.96 145 49.91 2861.94 146 50.86 2911.86 147 51.83 2962.72 148 52.81 3014.55 149 53.82 3067.36 150 54.84 3121.18 151 55.88 3176.02 152 56.94 3231.90 153 58.02 3288.84 154 59.13 3346.87 155 60.25 3405.99 156 61.40 3466.25 157 62.56 3527.64 158 63.75 3590.20 159 64.96 3653.95 160 66.20 3718.92 161 67.45 3785.11 162 68.74 3852.57 163 70.04 3921.30 164 71.37 3991.34 165 72.73 4062.72 166 74.11 4135.44 167 75.52 4209.55 168 76.95 4285.07 169 78.42 4362.03 170 79.91 4440.44 171 81.42 4520.35 172 82.97 4601.77 173 84.55 4684.74 174 86.15 4769.29 175 87.79 4855.44 176 89.46 4943.23 177 91.16 5032.69 178 92.89 5123.85 179 94.65 5216.74 180 96.45 5311.39 181 98.29 5407.85 182 100.15 5506.13 183 102.06 5606.28 184 104.00 5708.34 185 105.97 5812.34 186 107.98 5918.31 187 110.04 6026.29 188 112.13 6136.33 189 114.26 6248.46 190 116.43 6362.71 191 118.64 6479.14 192 120.89 6597.78 193 123.19 6718.68 194 125.53 6841.87 195 127.92 6967.40 196 130.35 7095.32 197 132.82 7225.67 198 135.35 7358.49 199 137.92 7493.84 200 140.54 7631.76