The grib2 format has a field listed under table 4.212 giving the land use code. Does anyone know where I can download data containing this field?
1$\begingroup$ Seems to be quite hard to find such data. Ofter, input data are not available. If available, then one easily gets things like the land-sea mask. "Land use" ist hard. I found land use NetCDF files in our data archive but none in GRIB. We have a few "land cover" datasets. Maybe that's the same?… $\endgroup$– daniel.heydebreckCommented Apr 9, 2020 at 13:01
1$\begingroup$ and/or… may be helpful (I realize "land cover" and "land use" are different, but they can be related) $\endgroup$– user967Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 23:18
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