I would like to find a formula to approximate RH based on known air temperature and dew point. I need the approximation to be valid at least between -20...+40 degrees Celsius. I read the accepted answer on this question, but unfortunately
- the link for the document where the tabulated values were retrieved from is no longer working
- using those values yield weird results. I tried it (the RH formula with the constants in the first row of the table) with T = 16.15 and TD (dew point) = -4.45, and it gives 215% RH (could it be $100^{m*...}$ instead of $100 *10^{m*...}$?...)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks @BarocliniCplusplus for his answer. If anyone reading this needs an implementation in Python to approximate the RH, here is one:
RH = 100*(math.exp((17.625*TD)/(243.04+TD))/math.exp((17.625*T)/(243.04+T)))
where T is the temperature in Celsius, and TD the dew point in Celsius. This approximation is derived from the "Conclusions" section of this article and is suggested to have relative error of 0.384% or less when used between -40°C and 50°C.