A lot of misinformation about earth and it being a sink is spread everywhere, including what I was taught in school, I hope you well-informed folk can help me out.
A sort of side-note, if anyone has a book recommendation explaining these kinds of concepts and everything related to them, please do let me know. It seems as if most books on electrodynamics don't really examine these assumptions we usually make. Examples: why earth is a 'sink' for electrons?; how, when grounding houses -- does a ground connection act as a wire which connects back to the same circuit, even when it's a single wire (taken from Ground wikipedia page) connected to ground? And the list goes on.
To quote my last question, I found it here: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/a/148684
"Current never ever ever ever flows to earth. It only ever flows through earth. Earth is just another wire - albeit a planet sized one. Electrons have to flow from one side of the power source back to the other. They can never flow out and never return." – Majenko
Moving on, the original question:
Why aren't objects close to the surface polarized?
We know that by static inductance, when you rub two of the right materials together, one becomes negatively charged, and the other positively charged. Let's take one and get a neutrally charged material next to it, bringing it closer, we can see that it becomes polarized.
I've read that earth's surface is negatively charged, -500,000 coulombs, to be sure. So bringing a neutrally charged object close to it would make it polarized, is what I think is logical.
So why is my conclusion wrong, if it is wrong (doesn't seem right)? And why is it that earth is charged negatively?