Climate Fresk is a NGO which publishes a card game aimed at educating people about climate change. Card 33 (page 16 of this pdf file) reads (emphasis mine):
Cyclones and atmospheric waves bring wind, waves and low pressure conditions. A 1 hectopascal pressure drop causes a 0.4 inches sea level rise. Therefore cyclones can cause marine submersions (or coastal flooding), amplified by the sea level rise already caused by sea level rise.
Is there really a relationship between pressure drop and sea level rise? And if so, which relationship and what is the mechanism behind it? I find it hard to believe, because water has a very low compressibility, so I don't see how a drop, even big, in atmospheric pressure, could cause such a rise in sea level. The Climate Fresk project claims that all its facts come from the IPCC reports, but I don't know where to start digging...
(PS: I'm not questioning the need to educate people about climate change, nor the integrity of the Climate Fresk project; I just want to get the facts straight.)