I have a question about which forces cause alignment of objects with the rotation of the Earth and how:
It is known to me from public sources that objects up to a height of about 36,000 meters above the surface of the Earth move (if we ignore their own speed) completely in line with the surface of the Earth, because they are attracted by the Earth's core. When, for example, an airplane flies at an altitude of 10,000 m, it is not decisive for the earth's rotation whether it flies east or west, north or south.
Furthermore, the speed of the Earth's rotation at the equator is approximately 1670 km/h, and the core of the earth - to which objects are said to be attracted, according to scientists, rotates differently - there are even theories that the other way around - than the earth's shell.
That's what I've studied.
And my question is - what forces, and how, cause the fact that an object at a height of up to 36,000 m is still attracted to the same place on the Earth's surface despite all the rotations, i.e. that it exactly copies the rotation of the Earth's surface when it is 36,000 m above it (or 10,000 m for a normal aircraft).