According to this map Greenland has four time zones. On one hand, it is understandable given the vast size of the island. On the other hand, Wikipædia gives the size of population of Greenland to be slightly above 56 thousand. According to the same source, the largest cities of the UTC-4 zone and UTC-1 zone have 646 and 345 inhabitants, respectively.
It sounds a bit unusual to create a separate time zone for a few hundred of people (unless they live on a separate island). Would it not be easier if every islander's clock would show exactly the same time (even the reverse solution, namely, to create, for example, three time zones: Eastern (UTC-2), Central (UTC-3), Western (UTC-4) of comparable size for different parts of the island looks more logical than the current state of affairs)? So, why tiny time zones (historical reasons, for example?) and are there any plans to change it?
It looks like the map I referred to is somewhat outdated. According to the resource (thanks to @trond hansen), the time zones currently in use in Greenland are as follows: UTC-3, UTC-1, UTC+0 (which looks a bit more common, but does not answer why three zones are needed).