City Green Space
Within New York city, 14% of the city, 29,000 acres (11,735 ha) is parkland.
Water Supply
The Management of New York City Water Supply Lands document, by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, states the surface water supply system yields 1.3 billion gallons (4.92 GL) of unfiltered drinking water each day to approximately 9 million people.
The watershed that supplies this water occupies 2000 square miles (5178 sq km) spread across 8 counties in upstate New York, it is 73% forested. This is an area twice the size of Rhode Island.
Electricity Supply – If it was 100% Wind Powered
According to the School of Engineering at MIT, New York's five boroughs use 60 billion kWh each year. If this were to be supplied by 5 MW wind turbines, 4000 such turbines would be required. An offshore wind farm for 4000, 5 MW turbines, would be 4000 square kilometres, an area 40 miles by 40 miles, which is the equivalent of half of Yellowstone National Park.
New York city is planning on reducing its waste output by 90%, which is 3 Mt. This means the city is currently producing 3.3 Mt each year (388 kg or 856 lb for each New Yorker). Currently the city's garbage is transported to south Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and upstate New York.
In March 2015, the New York State Comptroller release a report that stated that as of 2012, New York had 35,500 farms covering an area of 7.2 million acres (2.9 million ha)