Can some one suggest me a web site for archived hourly wind data for Germany.
I have seen here but it was not useful for me.
Can some one suggest me a web site for archived hourly wind data for Germany.
I have seen here but it was not useful for me.
The MERRA dataset has data for the world from 1979 to date. It updates frequently.
You can get the data as HDF or NETCDF. If your GIS package doesn't read those, there will be translation packages around the web to convert them into a suitable format.
You'll want the U- and V- wind data. You might want pressure too. And possibly even turbulence data.
If you're interested in using this for simulating wind generation, then I highly recommend the paper by Cannon et al on analysing the MERRA data for wind energy simulation.
You might also be interested in the CFSR data, which runs 1979-2010: in connection with using this paper for wind energy simulation, see this paper by Sharp et al.
The most authoritative source for weather data in Germany is the German Weather Service (DWD). They have a climate data center that by now provides historical data free of charge. You can find it here: (it appears some knowledge of German might be helpful.)