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Questions tagged [air-pollution]

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into Earth's atmosphere, causing diseases, allergies, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as animals and food crops, or the natural or built environment.

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Subsection for mercury in camxuserguide 6.50

studying the manual (user guide) of CAMx 6.50, a fact that really imprressed me is that there is a subsection in chemistry mechanisms for chemistry of mercury. Thus, I would like to ask why the ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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Does the Earth's ozone layer play a role in maintaining the temperature of places like the arctic?

BGR's June 19, 2024 New study claims Starlink satellites may be killing the ozone links to Ferreira et al. (2024)'s Geophysical Research Letter Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During ...
uhoh's user avatar
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EEA real time data availability

I would like to ask if there is any way to get the real time pollutants concentrations via a downloadable file or an api from EEA (European Environmental Agency). EEA has ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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Converting EET to UTC ignoring EEST

I have measurements of pollutants. data = data.set_index(data.index.tz_localize(timezone('EET'), ambiguous='NaT', nonexistent='NaT').tz_convert('UTC')) This command converts the EET time to UTC. It ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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Municipal websites with air pollution information

I am looking for ways to present real-time meteorological and pollutant data in a website. Searching the internet for pollutant data, I've found interesting sites for Dublin, Thermi (in Greece), and ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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PM10 hourly limits

In Greece, the daily limit for PM10 is the 50 μg/m3 and the annual limit is 40 μg/m3. I think that WHO have proposed lower limits although these have not proposed adopted. But, there is no hourly ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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Free software for simulating the dispersion of air pollution

My team developed a method to detect PM2.5 hotspots in a city using mobile sensor measurements. Now, we want to simulate a validation dataset to test our method. We want simulated data so that we can ...
Nial Perry's user avatar
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Do sustainable aviation fuels make sense?

I'm not an expert in the sustainable aviation fuel field, but I have a descent understanding of science and the energy sector. I recently attended a conference where there were several presentations ...
phil1008's user avatar
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How to combine different air pollutants into a common measure?

I'm examining several pollutant variables -- like CO2, lead, NOX etc -- and wondering how I can weight them appropriately to have some kind of comparability. Not all pollutants are equally bad for the ...
cel's user avatar
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How far should a Manganese processing plant be built from a city?

Land that is currently zoned as agriculture with houses and businesses surrounding it is being proposed to be changed to commercial/industrial. The purpose is to build a Manganese processing plant. ...
Mona Manquero's user avatar
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Is Luleå's PM10 indicative of poor air quality?

Today (17/04/2023) Luleå in Sweden has one of the lowest air quality values in the world according, to Microsoft's air quality map. Other regions with a similar value are near deserts or large urban ...
OrigamiEye's user avatar
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How can combusted methane from landfill samples be quantified? [closed]

Background: For my studies I'm wanting and attempting to make a landfill greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) model that predicts the amount of greenhouse gas equivalent emissions ($GHG_{eq}$ [tonnes/year]) ...
Hendrix13's user avatar
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Why does a temperature inversion act like a lid?

I do not understand why the fact that warm air is above cold air causes a lid like effect and traps pollutants below? What is it about that order? Why does warm air below cold air not restrict any ...
Name's user avatar
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Estimating meteorological visibility from air chemical and particulate composition

I have found here an answer that provides formula that only takes into account vapors, pressure and temperature - What is the formula used for atmospheric visibility? Is there an approach that also ...
Fima Rotter's user avatar
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Clarification of dry deposition of particles

I found a formula for the dry deposition speed of particles and an electric circuit analogy to go with it. I would like some clarification on this figure: I'm mostly interested in the top right ...
theWrongAlice's user avatar
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gridded air pollution data for Japan

Do you know of any database where I can get past air pollution (sulfur oxides (SOx) - nitrogen oxides (NOx) - photochemical oxidants (Ox) - particulate matter (PM) - suspended particulate matter (SPM) ...
PenguinPartyH0's user avatar
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How does the WHO calculate the interaction of mortality effects from indoor and outdoor air pollution?

The WHO's landing page on air pollution includes three different estimates of deaths due to air pollution: 7 million total 4.2 million due to outdoor (ambient) air pollution 3.8 due to household (...
LShaver's user avatar
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But what exactly is "black carbon" in the context of snow-melting particulates reaching Antarctica?

CNN's What is black carbon? The latest way humans are causing changes in Antarctica doesn't actually say anything about what black carbon is. Neither does The Guardian's Black carbon pollution from ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Emission factor for Arsenic [closed]

What emission factor for natural gas boiler should be used for arsenic other than AP-42? I need to to calculate emissions from natural gas boiler. What emission factor for arsenic would be the best to ...
Manhitha Jumili's user avatar
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What is the cause for large circular areas of air pollution?

Looking at the layer "Air Quality" on my iOS weather app there seem to be large circular areas of air pollution outside of large cities. What could be the cause for such phenomena? UPDATE I ...
Andy's user avatar
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Folium/Leaflet tiles for air pollution modelling

I am using land use regression with machine learning to create an air pollution model. However, almost all tiles I can find using Python and Folium contain text, which my intuition says cannot ...
Avatrin's user avatar
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Would home heat pumps provide large benefits against climate change?

Some facts I have learnt The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was developed to allow comparisons of the global warming impacts of different gases. Specifically, it is a measure of how much energy the ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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What meteorological data is needed for air quality machine learning models?

Are there any studies that discuss what meteorological data I should look at if I am creating an air quality model with machine learning? That is, what should I extract from NCEI or ERA5 first if I ...
Avatrin's user avatar
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convert mol/m2 to μg/m3 [duplicate]

Sentinel-5P satellite provides high-resolution data products on concentration levels for several atmospheric trace gases (NO2, SO2, O3, and others), which are measured in mol/m2 within the total or ...
Md.Rased Hasan Sojib's user avatar
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What meteorological features accompany/cause a thermal inversion?

I am physics grad student working on a problem of making a statistical (neural network) prediction of the air pollution in a city. I am provided with hourly values for ca. a dozen meteo features of ...
NeStack's user avatar
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Could the phrase 'human made environmental disaster' be applied to illegal and deadly city wide pollution?

The city in which I live has a number of roads that are regularly above the legally allowed yearly average level of nitrogen dioxide permitted (40ug/m3). One road is almost double that limit (77ug/m3)...
atreeon's user avatar
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How is the concentration of particulate matter calculated per cubic meter

I have some data about PM10, PM2.5, i.e, how much is generated per day (in kilotonnes) by some sector, say from vehicular emissions. It can be converted to micrograms but I don't know how standard ...
y_159's user avatar
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What is the appropriate name for air pollutant chemical formula like notation?

Consider air pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide for which we use their chemical formulas, $\ce{CO}$ and $\ce{NO2}$ respectively, as a way to compactly refer to them when writing ...
fire-bee's user avatar
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What pollutants can be next to a wood processing plant with formaldehyde factory?

I used to live in an are with a large factory that processes timber then uses the splinters to create OSB and other wood composites. They also have a formaldehyde factory for producing their own ...
CuriousPaul's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does air pollution comes with cold weather in tropical areas?

I reside in Bangkok where the local press have reported several times these two last months November-December about high levels of smog. A similar phenomenon occurred last year in this period (end of ...
anukmenchitlarmen's user avatar
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How to generate inputs for the MUNICH model from the VEIN model

MUNICH is the Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH) (Kim et al., 2018) and VEIN is the Vehicular Emissions INventory model (Ibarra-Espinosa et al, 2018), an R package. ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Is there a conventional list of pollutants to consider for calculations? Or an updating one even?

In researching economic damage from various pollutants, I often find that it's very random sources that inform me of various pollutants I need to be mindful of in calculations. Is there any kind of ...
JRRs's user avatar
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Where can I find worldwide standards of manganese mining?

Hi everybody who sees this post, I need urgent help for finding all official world wide standards of the manganese mining. Problem is that, many houses has been damaged in my village with manganese ...
cyberail's user avatar
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How can I specifiy a substance in AERMOD?

Since I use OTHER as a pollutant ID, are there some parameters I could specify in order to get better results for dispersion of substance I am trying to model? eg. molecular weight or density?
kavej's user avatar
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Is pollution the reason why rainbows are so rare nowadays?

Today I saw a rainbow after almost a decade. I live in Noida (a city) in India. Most people I know believe that: we don't see rainbows nowadays because of pollution and now after nearly 3 months since ...
Manik's user avatar
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Independent sources of information on radiation pollution in Europe

Bear with me if this is a wrong place to ask this question. I aksed this question on Physics at StackExchange and was told it will be more on topic here. Recent news show a fire has started close to ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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Why is Paris still polluted during the Covid-19 shutdown?

It does not seem that the air pollution level is getting any lower in Paris during the current shutdown due to COVID-19. Why is that? There are fewer cars. Are they only a small part of Paris' air ...
Alexis Benoist's user avatar
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The effect of the 2019-2020 bushfires/wildfires in Australia

What was the total damage of the 2019-2020 bushfires/wildfires in Australia?
Fred's user avatar
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Convert NO2 concentration in Sentinel-5P data from mol/m2 to μg/m3 on the ground level

Sentinel-5P satellite provides high-resolution data products on concentration levels for several atmospheric trace gases (NO2, SO2, O3 , and others), which are measured in mol/m2 within the total or ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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What's causing this high SO2 concentrations in Kazakhstan?

I was using this website for weather conditions around the world called Ventusky ( and one of its features allows you to view SO2 concentration. I stumbled upon this high ...
gabyarg25's user avatar
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Are atmospheric halogen oxides "supposed to be" in the atmosphere? Where do they come from?

I like to naively think of Earth's natural atmosphere as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, water, carbon dioxide and okay, some nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and again okay, a little hydrogen and methane from ...
uhoh's user avatar
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District/province wise air quality data for South Asia (2010 onward)

I would like to create a district/province-level air quality data for all the countries in South Asia from 2010 onward using satellite data. As someone with absolutely zero background in remote-...
Parijat Maitra's user avatar
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What creates so much pollution in Africa?

Using AirVisual app I notice there is a huge patch of pollution in Africa. I cannot imagine there is a big economic activity to support that huge pollution across almost the whole continent. What ...
vasin1987's user avatar
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What is the reason for this high outdoor VOC level with strange pattern of slow rise and sudden falling?

I have an Atmotube Pro air quality sensor placed outside in a cup with a large bowl placed over the top of it to protect it from the wind and any rain but to allow air to filter through easily. I'm ...
atreeon's user avatar
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What's the origin of particulate matter (pm10, pm2 5) [closed]

I would like to ask about origin and inventor of particulate matter pm10, pm2.5. Who published and defined this formulas and when. Thanks in advance!
Kacper Brachaczek's user avatar
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How can methylmercury in the ocean be reabsorbed into the atmosphere?

The Sacramento Bee news article Toxic fog may be poisoning some of California’s mountain lions, study says says Algae in the ocean convert mercury to methylmercury, its most toxic form, which can ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Does Start / Stop technology in cars have an impact on air quality? [closed]

I have repeatedly heard from various car enthusiasts that start stop technology has no benefit (or the tiniest smallest negligble benefit) to air quality so they turn it off entirely. Does it have an ...
atreeon's user avatar
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Origin of Serious Wildfires

At a very rough estimate, what proportion of wildfires are caused by natural events like lightning? I am absolutely sure that in Europe, where there are often wildfires, the sun is never hot enough to ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
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Origin of Sulphuric Acid in the Atmosphere

I often see claims that volcanic emissions of sulphur dioxide, on Earth and on the planet Venus, creates sulphuric acid when it combines with water vapour. It doesn't. Sulphur dioxide creates ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
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Atmospheric conditions needed that blocks all bright light during sunsets and allows you to stare directly at the sun

Today (July 5th, 2019 just before 8 pm KST), along the Han River in Seoul, the surface of the sun could be viewed with my naked eye (no protection needed), and this was safe on the eyes. It appeared ...
Christopher Rucinski's user avatar