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Questions tagged [axial-obliquity]

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Would obliquity and precessional changes of Earth affect the accuracy of GPS-based measurement of tectonic movements?

The rate and direction of tectonic movements can be measured by comparing the coordinates of the same GPS receiver over time. The coordinates are obtained using trilateration. All materials I could ...
seamos's user avatar
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Are we entering a new Ice Age according to Milankovitch cycles?

Milankovitch cycles consist of three orbital parameters: eccentricity, obliquity, and precession of equinoxes. According to Milutin Milankovitch, the most recent glacial period ended nearly 11,000 ...
seamos's user avatar
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What would happen to the Earth if there were no seasons?

If the Earth was in a fixed equinox state, what would the equilibrium temperature be at each pole? Assume daily cycle and convection and so on operate as usual, just that it's permanent sunset at both ...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
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What is the angle between earth's axis of rotation and equator? Are they perpendicular or at 66 1/2 Degrees?

By rotational axis I mean axial tilt or Axial obliquity or 66 1/2 degrees tilt of earth to its orbital.
user1's user avatar
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Can anyone explain the torque that causes the Earth's axial precession?

Looking around on the web, I frequently see explanations like "precession is caused by the action of the Sun's gravity on the Earth's equatorial bulge." That's nice, but I'm interested in a little ...
William Jockusch's user avatar
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How much is Solar Radiation effected by Axial Tilt or Obliquity?

I know that the Axial Tilt of Earth is about 23.4° - 23.5°. And I would like to know how much this change effects Solar Radiation for particular geo-location. What is the Axial Tile change rate? How ...
user1141649's user avatar
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What would be the impact on tides if the earth had no tilt?

I would like to know what would be the impacts/effects on the tides if earth were to have no tilt (perpendicular to plane of ecliptic)?
Kait's user avatar
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Axial Obliquity and Climate Change

The Wikipedia page for Earth's Axial tilt says: Earth's obliquity oscillates between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees on a 41,000-year cycle. It is currently 23.44 degrees and decreasing. My Questions are: ...
thokiro's user avatar
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Climate on an Earth without an Axial Tilt

The Premise The Earth rotates on its own axis, which is tilted by about 23 degrees. I am imagining a situation where such an axial tilt does not exist. From general reading, it appears the largest ...
Ambarish Sathianathan's user avatar
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What would the equilibrium temperature be at the poles in a world without seasonality?

Inspired by: How does Antarctica stay frozen? If the Earth was in a fixed solstice state - northern winter and southern summer (e.g. the axis obliquity rotated with the Earth's orbit), what would ...
naught101's user avatar
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Could Earth have had a greater axial tilt?

In thinking about the question, Why is earth's axis tilted?, and reading articles about Earth's axial tilt, I came across the website Snowball Earth which describes an alternate theory for global ...
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