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Questions tagged [bathymetry]

For questions that concern the topographic characteristics or landforms present on the floor of lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water.

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5 votes
1 answer

Where on Earth do tides go out furthest?

Many sources state that the Bay of Fundy has the largest vertical tidal range. The horizontal range is also very large (up to 5 km according to this website:
Harry Kuril's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How is bathymetry done without sonar?

Or better yet, how WAS it done? I understand that depth sounding was done with a lead weight attached to a long rope or wire, but how were the leadsmen able to tell when the lead weight reached the ...
Mr X's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Most amenable coastal geographic conditions for harbors?

I've been trying to find sources detailing the natural geographic features most suitable for shipping harbors along a coast—primarily for international trade. So far, I've read vague reference to ...
honeymoow's user avatar
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Surprisingly deep rivers

I just read that the Congo River is >200m (650 ft) deep - I had no idea that this is even remotely possible! Q1: What are the processes leading to a river being this deep? Q2: By which method is ...
NotTheMoney's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What does "-4,257m" mean in Google Earth?

When I move my pointer around the pin (89.99 N) shown below, Google Earth displays the camera distance, latitude, longitude accordingly. I'd just like to know what does "-4,257m" mean, ...
JJJohn's user avatar
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1 answer

Before the artificial changes of the Aral Sea, what was its average depth and salinity?

The Aral Sea was a major lake of the USSR until it suffered artificial changes, which began sometime no later than the 1960s. I am unfortunately not sure when major artificial changes began. ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to interpolate bathymetry with a directional component?

I have a bathymetry dataset that has a small section missing. I need to fill in this section. The bathymetry in this region has some strongly directional features (e.g. a canyon that runs through the ...
Semidiurnal Simon's user avatar
2 votes
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Issues with projection and fig using python and mpl_toolkits.basemap

I currently have depth data that I am plotting with the code below. The problem that I am having has to do with the figure python is spitting out. The figure is really tiny. I have tried a few things ...
Earthly's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

estimation of prehistoric sea levels

From what reference point/level are prehistorical (e.g., Precambrian era) sea levels estimated? As I understand things, the following are true: Since the formation of continents, land elevations ...
charlie_sar's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why do fjords have sills?

I have read about some of the geologic processes that are related to the formation of fjords. Is the presence of sills in fjords related to the deposition of glacial moraine?
chiaka's user avatar
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1 answer

How to determine ocean bottom depth for a data set consisting of longitude and latitude?

Given a data set which consists of pairs of longitudes and latitudes, is it possible to determine an estimate of the ocean bottom depth at that point? I can find maps of estimated sea depths online (...
Fexamp's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to infer the depth of a river from the shapes of the islands and the banks?

Look at the photo below. Presumably, the river bed is a smooth shape. Therefore, it should be possible to infer the depth of the water from the photo, right? I am not even an amateur of geo-science. ...
John's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the average depth of the ocean?

We know that the ocean depth is varies from ocean to ocean. Mariana trench is about 11 km deep. If we consider as a whole, what is the average depth of the ocean?
Dinidu Hewage's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Confusion about grid registration concepts and their relevance in modelling

I'm trying to make use of the ETOPO1 dataset as the bathymetry input of a wave model. I came upon this discussion of grid registration: Registration of Structured Square-Cell Grids. I read this ...
user4624937's user avatar
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What is the error in bathymetric observations in the presence of vegetation?

How can we determine the error associated with bathymetric measurements when we survey over submerged vegetation? Let's say we are using single-beam echo-sounder over a patch of Posidonia, what are ...
arkaia's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Does bathymetry affect ocean topography/height?

Here is a map of ocean surface height or topography: Source:
user4624937's user avatar
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How do I find the volume of ocean between any two layers of ocean depth?

I'm interested in this problem because I'm interested in obtaining a rough estimate of the average temperature increase of the sea given a net radiative forcing of 0.6 W/m^2. But in order to obtain ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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