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12 votes
2 answers

Most amenable coastal geographic conditions for harbors?

I've been trying to find sources detailing the natural geographic features most suitable for shipping harbors along a coast—primarily for international trade. So far, I've read vague reference to ...
honeymoow's user avatar
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What does "-4,257m" mean in Google Earth?

When I move my pointer around the pin (89.99 N) shown below, Google Earth displays the camera distance, latitude, longitude accordingly. I'd just like to know what does "-4,257m" mean, ...
JJJohn's user avatar
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Issues with projection and fig using python and mpl_toolkits.basemap

I currently have depth data that I am plotting with the code below. The problem that I am having has to do with the figure python is spitting out. The figure is really tiny. I have tried a few things ...
Earthly's user avatar
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How to determine ocean bottom depth for a data set consisting of longitude and latitude?

Given a data set which consists of pairs of longitudes and latitudes, is it possible to determine an estimate of the ocean bottom depth at that point? I can find maps of estimated sea depths online (...
Fexamp's user avatar
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What is the average depth of the ocean?

We know that the ocean depth is varies from ocean to ocean. Mariana trench is about 11 km deep. If we consider as a whole, what is the average depth of the ocean?
Dinidu Hewage's user avatar
10 votes
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Does bathymetry affect ocean topography/height?

Here is a map of ocean surface height or topography: Source:
user4624937's user avatar
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How do I find the volume of ocean between any two layers of ocean depth?

I'm interested in this problem because I'm interested in obtaining a rough estimate of the average temperature increase of the sea given a net radiative forcing of 0.6 W/m^2. But in order to obtain ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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