Questions tagged [east-africa-rift]

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8 votes
1 answer

Has our understanding of the East African Rift significantly changed recently?

I've noticed many reports in the media about the East African Rift Valley recently, apparently because some large fissures opened up. Washington Post: A huge crack provides evidence that Africa is ...
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8 votes
2 answers

What are the tectonic implications of the Quaternary Igwisi Hills, Tanzania, kimberlite volcanics?

The Igwisi Hills Kimberlite volcanic features in Tanzania are described in the article Mapping the Igwisi Hills kimberlite volcanoes, Tanzania: understanding how deep-sourced mantle magmas behave at ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there evidence to delineate where a southern extension of the East African Rift 'plate boundary' is developing?

The East African Rift system is described by James Wood and Alex Guth of Michigan Technological University in the web-article East Africa's Great Rift Valley: A Complex Rift System as ...
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