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Transmitter receiver coil separation for Electromagnetic Terrain Conductivity Measurement

Why increasing transmitter-receiver coil separation in EM survey (EM31, also here) increases depth of penetration? Suppose there is a horizontal flat conductive layer underneath a flat resistive ...
David's user avatar
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Where on Earth is the highest none polar magnetic fields?

Is there anywhere that magnetic ore deposits are strong enough to have a magnetic field that would be stronger then Earths' magnetic poles by proximity? I'm not asking Where on Earth is the ...
Muze's user avatar
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Where on Earth is the magnetic field intensity stronger?

Are there places on Earth that have a strong magnetic field other than the magnetic north and south poles? Can living where (rare) earth magnetic ore is abundant provide a mini-magnetoshere?
Muze's user avatar
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SEGD and SEGY recorded data

What is the difference between a segd recorded data and a segy recorded data and can we convert from segd to segy and vice versa?
Kunal Rathod's user avatar