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Dikes are bad according to

"For example, dikes, tide gates, and ditches have disconnected rivers from their historic floodplains. This limits the amount of floodwaters that wetlands are able to soak up, putting nearby ...
Coo's user avatar
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Does a weather authority rate/measure floods after they happen?

The 100-year flood line runs through my property (Midwest - United States). I am always curious when I see flooding how close to a 100-year flood it might be. Is there any way to know? Does any ...
JWess's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why was the flooding in Derna, Libya so catastrophic?

I have watched storm Daniel on the internet while it was in Greece and what I saw was much heavier rain than what came down in Libya. But in Libya, property damage and death toll were much heavier, ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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Simulating snow melt inundation in urban areas

I am trying to understand how melt water from snow in urban setting gets routed. I understand that for routing rain water, one can create grid and then determine the flow direction for each cell by ...
user1889930's user avatar
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MIKE SHE Lateral inflow outputs and the differences between them

There are four 'Lateral inflow' related variables coming out from the .res1d file Lateral inflow SHE overland Lateral inflow SHE saturated zone Lateral inflow SHE overland drain Lateral inflow SHE ...
moinabyssinia's user avatar
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compute joint probability of two variables with out using copulas

I have two timeseries one for a daily rainfall and another one for a daily storm surge height. I would like to calculate the probability of a certain rainfall depth with a certain storm surge height. ...
moinabyssinia's user avatar
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Approximating Soil Moisture level

Are there any simple models to approximate soil moisture level (%) as a function of distance from a waterbody (say a lake)? If one assigns saturation level of lake to 100% , then are there any ...
user1889930's user avatar
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How to simulate rainfall for a 1 in 100 year storm event?

I have information about total rainfall during a 24-hour, 1 in 100-year storm event for a location. (source: I would like to use this information and ...
user1889930's user avatar
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Is flooding an atmospheric or a geological hazard?

Is flooding an atmospheric or a geological hazard? From my understanding you would define the above terms as: Atmospheric hazards - hazards that are caused or effect weather or climate. For example ...
James Ashwood's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between pressure drop and sea level rise?

Climate Fresk is a NGO which publishes a card game aimed at educating people about climate change. Card 33 (page 16 of this pdf file) reads (emphasis mine): Cyclones and atmospheric waves bring wind, ...
Jean-Marie Prival's user avatar
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Is it possible for a local flood to reach the heights of a mountain, say 7000 ft, and wash away a ship over 350 miles? [closed]

Is it even possible? How much water would it take? Does the whole earth need to be flooded to reach that height?
oddorange187's user avatar
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What is the difference between waterlogging and flooding?

A certain land (urban area, forest etc.) is under water for a certain period. How can we distinguish that the area is flooded or waterlogged? What are the criteria?
Padmanabha's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

With all the rain Seattle gets, why is widespread flooding relatively rare?

The Puget Sound region is wedged between the Pacific and the'd think with all that rain (and snowmelt in the warmer months), there would be catastrophic flash flooding in lowland areas, ...
spillthrill's user avatar
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How to curb losses during annual heavy rainfalls

Every year I see these sort of news articles where states are flooded particularly due to their geographical location and vicinity to flood prone areas, however year after year there is no improvement ...
FoundABetterName's user avatar
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Flood and Statistics

A recent flood was due to combined effect of rainfall(precipitation) and reservoir storage. I have daily rainfall data and reservoir storage data. How can I correlate these two to get a statistical ...
Subin's user avatar
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How can flood inundation vary at the same river stage?

I've always thought that river flooding would always be the same at the same river stage. For example, if the river stage is at 20' flooding at location "x" would always be at the same depth. ...
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Topography and flash flooding

I'm looking for a study or document showing the effect of the topography, slopes, the sea level and the tide on flash flooding occurrence. Thanks in advance
Nour's user avatar
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How quickly do landslides occur? [closed]

When a landslide occurs, how long does the ordeal typically last? Obviously the answer is that they vary a lot, however, I'm talking about some specific examples such as the one in Sierra Leone in ...
F16Falcon's user avatar
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Real time flood data in the United States

I am trying to find real time information about flood events in the United States, ideally in polygon format. So far I have found two sources: USGS Flood Watch: Points where flood sensors are and ...
user1434's user avatar
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Is it certain that hundred year floods have finite variance?

It just occurred to me to ask this. It's easy to get a statistical distribution that does not have finite variance. For example, you can sometimes get that when the thing that is measured comes from ...
J Thomas's user avatar
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9 votes
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How was Venice flooded?

If I understand this correctly, Venice was not flooded due to sudden rainfall causing rivers to overflow, but due to the high tides. These high tides were caused by an alignment of sun, which was ...
Martin Drozdik's user avatar
7 votes
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Who would know how to manage rainwater erosion on a sloped property?

I'm a meteorologist with little experience in hydrology. I'm studying my land with the rainwater flow patterns during heavy rain events and looking to manage the erosion, flash flooding, and ponding ...
Jeremy Toepp's user avatar
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What was the storm surge height from Hurricane Harvey?

The numbers bandied about have been 3.6 m (12 feet) and even 4.6 m (15 feet), but something told me that was unlikely. As a guy who could "almost" slam dunk a basketball, the idea of a 3 m (10 feet) ...
Oliver Williams's user avatar
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What is the difference between a flood and a mudslide?

Description Floods and mudslides are both occurrences, which can be very destructive. Question (Hopefully after the edit the question is more clear) What is the difference between a flood and a ...
Alvaro Morales's user avatar
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How can we estimate the amount of sediment that traveled downstream during the California flood?

It's amazing how much water traveled down the slopes of California during the first two months of rain/flooding of 2017. Since the amount of water was far greater than anything in recent history, ...
f.thorpe's user avatar
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Soil moisture conditions and air temperatures - literature needed

I am looking at basics academic papers which tell about the physical floods mechanisms. In particular something that says that: 'lower temperatures reduce evapotranspiration, enhancing wet soil ...
test's user avatar
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Is there a quick way to roughly estimate how quickly a flood will move downstream?

At the time of this post, there was urgent danger of spillway failure at the Oroville Dam in California, with evacuations in place for hundreds of thousands, and even larger populations further ...
JeopardyTempest's user avatar
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Time of concentration - Difference between large and small basins

I am looking for any academic reference (i.e. articles) regarding the time of concentration for large and small basins. E.g. I would expect that a large basin (area > 1,500 km^2) will flood (or reach ...
no_one's user avatar
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3 answers

Could a massive flood have formed the Grand Canyon?

I believe that the accepted theory for how Arizona's Grand Canyon was formed was that erosion caused by the Colorado River flowing through the area over millions of years was the force at work. Yet ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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Should I cut buildings from flood zone? [closed]

At work (at a local authority), I have a flood zone plan/layer that was created using ArcGIS software from an Elevation Model which has an accuracy of 1 metre. The zone covers an urban area. I cannot ...
Mick's user avatar
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Is this scientific explanation of The Bible flood accurate?

I googled "the flood and freshwater fish" and came up with this question Christianity StackExchange: How did Noah preserve fresh water fish?. The writer makes a lot of claims like how the salinity of ...
Bar Akiva's user avatar
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How deep would the nitrogen and oxygen ocean be if cooled to liquid?

If the atmosphere were cooled to liquid, say the planet's average atmospheric temperature were reduced to 70K, how deep (above sea level - frozen oceans of water) would the resulting ocean be?
Adam Davis's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the purpose of this large structure on a Japanese hillside? [closed]

A Google satellite view shows an unusual structure on a hillside in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan (Latitude 31.782600°N, Longitude 131.233881°E): It measures about 170m by 120m and is structured in ...
Volumetricsteve's user avatar
10 votes
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What is the potential impact of hurricane intensification and sea level rise on coastal flooding?

Climate change has the potential to increase flooding by hurricane intensification (magnitude and intensity) and by sea level rise. Many communities around the world are already exposed to coastal ...
arkaia's user avatar
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What causes periodic floods?

I am trying to determine what could cause periodic flooding of the type that might generate a savannah or plain with low growing plants and grasses. Where does the water come from, and how or why is ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

Is a complete global flood physically possible on Earth?

Genesis 7:11-20 presents an account of an event which, in 40 days, submerges the entire surface of the earth: [On] the seventeenth day of the second month — on that day all the springs of the great ...
Graviton's user avatar
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