Questions tagged [forest]

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3 votes
2 answers

What would it cost to stop Canada forest fires?

If the goal were to cut the total amount of smoke in the air in half, how many millions of dollars per year are we talking about here? I envision hiring hundreds of people to find fires before they ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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Forest canopy structure

Optical remote sensing technology is commonly used for forest biomass estimation. The NDVI is used to define greenness. But how can we tell about biomass after capture only canopy area from above? Is ...
Badma's user avatar
  • 35
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How is tree age estimated?

I am trying to study about forest biomass and carbon amount of forest. First of all, I studied some papers, they mentioned that age of forest is related to the biomass. So, How do we measure the age ...
Badma's user avatar
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Maximizing Tree Utility in a given Region

My goal is to build an algorithm whose fundamental goal at the most basic level is, given the current tree configuration of a particular region, to output the best coordinates to plant the next tree. ...
Warisul's user avatar
  • 21
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Is there more leaf litter in tropical decisuous forests or temperate deciduous forests

I want to run an experiment: collect leafs in forests to try to stabilize them and prevent from rotting and emitting greenhouse gases. I live in an area with temperate deciduous forest and have a fair ...
Hennadii Madan's user avatar
6 votes
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Is cutting down boreal forest good or bad for our climate?

I read in the latest IPCC report that felling trees growing in Northern areas lays bare snow cover that, since it's white, reflects sun rays so it's kinda good (or at least, has a substantial positive ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What would be the effects of a large forest fire on soil in other places?

Say a large forest fire took place. As I understand it, the smoke and ash would ride the wind and could be a health hazard even to people that are quite far away. My question is will it damage the ...
veryconfusedman's user avatar
4 votes
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Boundary between areas having frequent versus infrequent forest fires

In some parts of North America, such as California, the climax ecosystem has frequent forest fires -- that is, relatively dry forest that in absence of human intervention would burn perhaps every ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Looking for study on the pollution of the forest

I hope that my question fits in this forum. I am looking for empirical literature dedicated to pollution in the forest. So far, I have only found psychological literature that tries to find out what ...
TobKel's user avatar
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Calculating carbon sequestration on the percentage of tree cover

What variables are necessary to calculate carbon sequestration on densely population tree cover over a large spatial range? I wish to work on a project that has been proposed to me and my team at work....
Stackcans's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
1 answer

What are the risks of developing geoengineering?

Wikipedia page for geoengineering entry list a lot of proposals to decrease global temperature: Solar radiation management methods[5] may include: Surface-based: for example, surface-based mirror ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Free periodical satellite/aerial imagery

There is a company called Planet Labs which sells daily satellite imagery covering the whole globe that can be used for various research like agriculture, forestry etc. I wonder if there is a free ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Why do trees break at the same wind speed?

Several people have independently mentioned to me that all trees break at the same wind speed. This phenomenon is independent of type and size of the tree. Supposedly, Galileo already had described ...
arkaia's user avatar
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How to efficiently estimate merchentable volume for timber inventory using species, DBH, and merchentable heights?

I am trying to estimate wood volume for forest stands I have field-inventoried using a variable plot sample method, measuring species, DBH, and height of each tree counted 'in' using a BAF-10 prism. ...
cr0's user avatar
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Do trees capture more CO2 during a fast growth stage?

I understand that trees capture CO2 from the air and use that carbon to grow. As trees reach mature height, do they begin to capture less CO2 as they would only need carbon for "maintenance" as ...
noctonura's user avatar
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What were the Two Largest Forests of Western and Central Europe (circa 600 BC)

I am trying to find out what forests were the largest in Western and Central Europe, around 600 BC. I understand that accounts dating that far back may be difficult to find, but I hope other sciences ...
user20379's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Historical data on world's forest area

Is there long historical data (at least a few centuries back), at the world level, of forest area? I've only found data by the FAO starting in 1990 (see here). There is some older evidence for a few ...
luchonacho's user avatar
8 votes
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Predict wind speed in a forest based on speed over and under canopy?

I am trying to understand the calculation of the wind speeds at forest edge. I am pretty new in wind simulation and profiles in general, so I am sorry if asking simple questions. I have found that it ...
maycca's user avatar
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How susceptible is the greater Seattle area to an wildland-urban interface conflagration like the Camp Fire or 1991 Oakland firestorm?

Is there the risk of an "Issaquah firestorm", something with the intensity of Tyee Creek or Thirtymile but hitting suburban areas of the Cascade foothills like Issaquah, Samammish, Cougar Mountain?
spillthrill's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Trees: What does "highly tapering stem" mean?

Trees: What does "highly tapering stem" mean? Taper is a function measuring steepness of change in crown diameter when height increases upwards. But "highly tapering" (sometimes also "high-degree of ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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What is "sheltered site" (as opposed to "exposed site")?

What is "sheltered site" (as opposed to "exposed site")? It's used in context of location of trees in bumpy ground areas and weather damage.
mavavilj's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How did forests end up covering pyramids?

I went to Mexico and the pyramids are covered by vegetation. It's only after archeologists clean them that you can actually see the pyramids. Before that they looked like a natural hill, with soil, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 vote
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Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Why is it that Spring in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the peak season for forest fires both man made and lightning caused when it rains so much in the spring and it is so wet there in ...
Ryan Amalfitano's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the Amazon rainforest resistant to fires?

Comparing the picture from Wikipedia that delimits the Amazon rainforest and the picture of the recent dramatic fires in the area that NASA published, what I can gather is that the burned zone is the ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why is it said that Amazon creates 20% of the oxygen production of the world, when it accounts with less than 14-12.8% of the forest area?

Many times we see in articles that the Amazon rainforest creates 20% of the oxygen of the world . Even french president Macron stated this in a tweet Macron tweet According to this Amazonas size ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Are these tropical forests burning in Brazil and elsewhere really rainforests?

I know from many years of personal experience in the Malaysian rainforest (Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaya) that it is not inflammable. Dayaks and aborigines cultivate small patches of shifting ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
1 vote
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Origin of Serious Wildfires

At a very rough estimate, what proportion of wildfires are caused by natural events like lightning? I am absolutely sure that in Europe, where there are often wildfires, the sun is never hot enough to ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
2 votes
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Can reforestation sequester our annual carbon emissions? [duplicate]

Forests sequester and store substantial amounts of carbon every year, while each year humans emit substantial amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Is it possible for forests to sequester as much ...
cr0's user avatar
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2 answers

Does anyone know a book/article/research that talks about forest fire prevention?

In my college we have to start our thesis in the third semester, so I'm going to do a research about forest fire and its prevention. However, I'm struggling to find a article that talks about that ...
Let's user avatar
  • 19
2 votes
1 answer

Why don't forest fires in Western Australia get as much attention as forest fires in the southeast of the country (including SA)? [closed]

WA gets plenty hot and dry in the summer (especially Exmouth and points south where Top End moisture isn't as prevalent), but I don't hear so much about catastrophic forest fires hitting WA, like I do ...
spillthrill's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What are these clearings in Amazon rainforest?

I was surfing around on Google Maps and found dozens of clearings amid a sea of vegetation. What are they? Some look like rocks, others can't be made out due to the image resolution. Here is one ...
KilloWatt's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do optical satellites detect different leaf types?

In various land cover classification systems, trees are also categorised on the basis of broadleaf or needleleaf. Can someone please tell me the mechanism through which satellites detect this leaf ...
Dark_Knight's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

With humans out of the equation, what could cause forest fire?

Absent human activity, what does cause forest fires? I mean aside from lightning strikes, which are usually accompanied by water in the form of rain, and very rare events like volcanic eruptions or ...
dtech's user avatar
  • 223
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Forest rings shape regularity

In the answer to "Why is ground water rising on these forest rings?" it is written: these rings are too numerous and too regular in shape to be related to either kimberlites or (even more ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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Why is ground water rising on these forest rings?

I am seeking a physical explanation for this; There is huge amount of such a Forest rings in Earth; (Link to Google Maps to one ~400 m Ring) They range in diameter from 30 metres to 2 kilometres, ...
Jokela's user avatar
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Reforestation project in Samboja Lestari, Indonesia

Is there anyone who have some academic references on reforestation project in Samboja Lestari? I could not find any case study on Samboja Lestari, on how climate changed in this area (especially ...
optimal control's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What is the name for the forested areas in mountains below the treeline?

Taiga is the Russian word for big areas of forest wilderness in high latitude regions. What about forests in the mountains? What is the name for the forested areas in mountains which are below the ...
Andrew Welch's user avatar
6 votes
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How much of Earth's forested land is currently protected from logging/deforestation?

Deforestation is an ongoing global problem. From this National Geographic webpage: The quickest solution to deforestation would be to simply stop cutting down trees. [However], financial realities ...
f.thorpe's user avatar
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Crickets found in Wales? [closed]

Can we find crickets in Northern Wales? If no, what other insects found in Northern Wales make a chirping sound like that of crickets? If this isn't an appropriate question for this thread, please ...
Sampark Sharma's user avatar
6 votes
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Initial indexes for calculating the Fire Weather Index (in the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System)

I am applying the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) on the Forest Fire Warning System of my laboratory. My problem is in calculating the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), the Duff Moisture Code (DMC) ...
Ryan's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is there a way to tell whether land is cleared from forest, or naturally bare?

In Scotland, the Caledonian Forest has been cut down by humans. According to an unsourced Wikipedia article the tree line in Scotland is at 500 metre (it does not indicate the tree line elevation ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Wildfire acreage, two dimenional or three?

When wildfire acreage is reported, does anyone know if local terrain is taken into consideration, or is the reported acreage the area as viewed on a map? I ask because the two figures are different. A ...
BillDOe's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the difference between a carbon sink and a carbon reservoir?

I am trying to figure out the difference between a carbon sink and a carbon reservoir. The definition for a carbon sink from Wikipedia is carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that ...
Betty's user avatar
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How do I estimate the mass of a deciduous tree's leaves?

Regarding the amount of biomass in a tree, what would be the approximate total mass of leaves on a large deciduous tree (e.g. maple, oak) while green in spring? Or, how many leaves could be on such a ...
Max's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Mud bricks with shale

I have recently bought a medium sized plot of wood/scrub land. Half of this plot was once used to dump shale from coal mines, which means I have a lot of shale. I have been wondering/looking for ...
Doug's user avatar
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13 votes
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Do forests affect local rainfall and climate significantly?

I know that forests can change the local temperature, but what about rainfall?. Do forests affect rainfall in their region? I have read that if a forest is very big, it can cause minor changes to ...
Sab's user avatar
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2 answers

Where does the water from rain in rain forests come from?

When discussing a hypothetical world without oceans and just forest it occured to me that I wasn't so sure there would be any rain in the first place, due to the lack of oceans. Searching on Google ...
David Mulder's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is the temperature (even a bit) warmer in a forest?

Is the temperature (even a bit) warmer in a forest? For example, there no frost on the ground in a forest when there is some in a field just outside the forest. Is it because the temperature is a bit ...
MagTun's user avatar
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Regarding forest fire season and using robotic devices for proactive efforts before any fires

For many years there are terrible forest fires in the U.S. (for example); I was wondering about pro-active measures ( I'm sure there are many). One possibility is using a small army of robots that are ...
user128932's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How will increased $\ce{CO2}$ affect forests and other vegetative areas?

Some researchers contend that increases in atmospheric CO2 (e.g., from anthropogenic emissions) will enhance plant growth in general. What is the level of that enhancement? Does the associated ...
f.thorpe's user avatar
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