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Questions tagged [geologic-layers]

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3 answers

Why is phosphorus concentrated in living organisms rather than the lithosphere, aesthenosphere, crust, mantle, core?

In terms of the Earth's inner layers or formation history, why is phosphorus concentrated in living organisms? What processes moved it there? I have no idea how much phosphorus ranks in the ...
Coo's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

From how deep in the mantle has any rock ever been brought to the surface? Have scientists found anything they believe originated in the outer core?

I wonder if this is even possible to know.... Do geophysicists and geologists have even a 'theoretical' idea about how deep Earth's churning of its layers goes?
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
6 votes
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Do these rock layers correspond to different years?

This is a close picture of a cliff in the north coast of Spain. As you can see, the rock is composed of multiple thin layers, alternating between dark and light materials. Could this be the result of ...
Jaime Caffarel's user avatar
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When was the thickness of the Earth's crust calculated?

When was the average thickness of the Earth's crust first calculated or estimated? What did scientists know about the thickness of the Earth's crust before the 20th century? In what interval(s) fell ...
Looky1173's user avatar
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What is the average temperature of the whole planet Earth, not just the surface?

What is the average temperature of the Earth when you take into account all of the layers, not just the surface? Everything I've found so far concern only the surface or each layer individually. But ...
Wood's user avatar
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Why were the Interglacial periods in the early Pleistocene spaced about one million years apart, but recent ones only 100,000 years apart?

The Teglen (or Tiglian) interglacial period began after approximately half a million years into the Pleistocene, and the next interglacial (Waalian) occurred about a million years after that. But the ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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How to prove that there is no life undergound?

Because humans can not reach the inside of the Earth, there might be possibilities like in some stories that there is life under Earth?
Alsaraha's user avatar
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Where can I find soil Free Swell Index values for the Cambridgeshire region, United Kingdom?

Where can I find Free Swell Index data for Clays for the Cambridgeshire region, United Kingdom? Surely this must have been performed at some point even though there are more sophisticated tests. I've ...
onepound's user avatar
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Are there specific layers in the subsurface that come before gas or oil?

Currently, I've started working on a geophysics project. More specifically, I'm trying to find gas and oil reservoirs in SEGY files using deep learning. I've been reading about seismic reflection ...
hrmello's user avatar
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5 answers

Is There a Correlation Between Earthquake Magnitude and the Deformation Observed in the Rock?

I've been doing a little geology research. One of the topics that I noticed was the existence of "deformations" that appear in the rock layers if an earthquake has occurred. Smaller ...
Mathematician's user avatar
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What is deepest fossil we have found?

Deepest as in has had the most sediment above it. Obviously it has to be exposed to be found but it's still considered deep if its previously been covered by sediment. I should mention im not looking ...
Shannon's user avatar
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What local formation am I drilling?

I'm having a water well drilled on my property. The drilling crew has been working since Wednesday. They are using an airlift rig with a 6in bore. They are at 300ft and only have 4gpm. I would really ...
Phillip Brantley's user avatar
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What US State has the most complete rock record? [duplicate]

The title seems self explanatory to me. I thought about it when I was looking at a geologic map of Utah, and it seemed to include an exceptional amount of time. I mean this in the sense that there ...
Brian's user avatar
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What produces these amazing 3D structures in Tibet?

A friend recommended I watch this Chinese language video 航拍西藏 2018 (Aerial photography in Tibet) and the HD drone video of scenery is stunning. After about 37 minutes into the video, there are shots ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Do Earth's layers move at different speeds?

I don't have a background in Geology but this question popped in my head the other day and can't find an answer anywhere else. If I remember science class correctly, Earth's layers have different ...
user62099's user avatar
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How can I figure out the time it will take different clay and silt particles to precipitate out of water

I'm attempting to water some crops on my small plot of land using water from a downhill creek. I want to pump the water uphill to a tank then use gravity fed drip irrigation. Sometimes ( usually after ...
user379468's user avatar
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Oldest to Newest Bedrock in the USA "road trip"

I am supposed to design a road trip (using major highways) across North America. I have to design a route that starts with the oldest rock of Archean age and finishes with the youngest rock of ...
Alexander H. R.'s user avatar
9 votes
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How is geological time divided into units?

Earth's history is divided into eons, which are divided into eras, which are divided into periods etc. Consecutive time units differ in their geology and/or fossil species. But what events are the ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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Do reverse faults tilt the underlying layers of rocks to form an angular unconformity?

I came across this question while studying in my text book: What does the existence of strata containing a reverse fault and above them parallel strata refer to? I thought that referred to an angular ...
Asmaa Abdulghany's user avatar
4 votes
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Does iron in core have chance to come out to crust?

Is the iron in the inner core of Earth trapped forever? Are there any mechanisms that allow some iron to leave the core and come to the surface (eg: magma convention)?
Gstestso's user avatar
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How does Vertical Electrical Sounding Work?

I recently conducted a brief training exercise with VES equipment, although it had to be called off due to rain. I can't help but wonder about the basic physics of it, why is it that increased ...
Unencoded's user avatar
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3 answers

How accurate is the law of superposition?

Recently I started being more interested in the rational details of the sciences (... being often challenged about them by a creationist friend) and one of the creationist 'theories' I've encountered ...
user4699's user avatar
13 votes
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Is there a piece of upside down foreign crust in the USA?

When I studied earth science, a lecturer mentioned that one of the anomalies that earth science hasn’t been able to explain is a piece of crust in the USA. This piece of crust appeared to match very ...
497362's user avatar
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What's the difference between the upper & lower mantle?

Recently I checked a picture about the geologic layers of the Earth, and I saw that the mantle is divided into upper and lower mantle. What's the reason of this differentiation?
Zoltán Schmidt's user avatar