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Simple Mathematical Equation for the Geotherm

Hi I need a simple equation (polynomial third straight) for a PerpleX simulation to represent the mantle geotherm. The geotherms I have found on the internet so far (unfortunately I don't have the ...
Weiss's user avatar
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Why is the temperature between the earth core and surface not distributed linearly?

So I read somewhere that the inner core temperature of Earth might be as high as 7000 °C. Depending on the composition of the different layers towards the surface, the temperature should decline ...
HeLi8's user avatar
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Why is ground water rising on these forest rings?

I am seeking a physical explanation for this; There is huge amount of such a Forest rings in Earth; (Link to Google Maps to one ~400 m Ring) They range in diameter from 30 metres to 2 kilometres, ...
Jokela's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is fluid pressure in a fractured rock reservoir only dependent on hydrostatic pressure?

Why does lithostatic pressure not play a role? (or does it?)
ye-ti-800's user avatar
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What is the geothermal potential of a volcano?

If there were lots of geothermal plants—even mobile ones—near a volcano, how much power could this provide? Could the sapping of some of the heat energy make the volcano less likely to erupt?
201044's user avatar
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Where did the energy released due to gravitational binding energy of the Earth go? [closed]

The gravitational binding energy of the Earth is $2×10^{32} J $, so the same amount of energy must have been released during the Earth's history. According to this and this, the current internal ...
Abanob Ebrahim's user avatar
20 votes
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Can the overuse of geothermal energy become an environmental concern? [duplicate]

At what power output would we be using so much geothermal energy that we cool the core enough to endanger the Earth's magnetic field and have to stop using it? Is this a conceivable concern for a ...
Mazura's user avatar
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6 answers

Does volcanic activity fluctuate?

According to this person's surmises, volcanic activity appers to be increasing. However, according to this report, volcanic activity is probably not increasing. My question is: Does Volcanic activity ...
Ben A. Noone's user avatar
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How much heat is transported from the interior to the surface in the form of hydration enthalpy?

Heat is transferred from the interior to the surface through several methods. One is simply the conduction of sensible heat through the crust - I would guess this accounts for most of it. But some is ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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7 answers

Could the Earth's core lose its heat?

Will all the drilling and digging to use the Earth's natural heat as geothermal energy affect the Earth's core, causing it to cool down? If so, would it result in an ice age? If not, how does the ...
tux's user avatar
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How does geothermal heating work?

I have heard that geothermal heating is a way of generating energy from the temperature difference between the inner layers of the Earth and the Earth's crust. How is it possible to extract this ...
Kenshin's user avatar
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Why is the inside of the Earth so hot?

I have heard that the Earth is made up of four layers, being the crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core. I have also heard that the Earth's temperature increases as you move from the ...
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