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Questions tagged [history-of-science]

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How reliable were early measurements of palaeomagnetic directions?

The methodology and equipment for palaeomagnetic studies in the 1960s and 1970s was often rather primitive by today's standards. For example, Doell and Cox (1967) imply that the standard procedure for ...
Pont's user avatar
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1950's - 60's Earth Science

I'm writing some lore for a fictional world, which is set in the 50's early 60's roughly. One thing I'd like to bring is a fairly grounded explanation for the creation of the planet and the universe, ...
Magic Marbles's user avatar
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What was this historic object used for?

This object is displayed in an exhibition, but nobody knows what it is. It was part of the estate of a photographer whose father was one of the first meteorologists in Switzerland. EDIT: Adding more ...
Mat D.'s user avatar
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How is the abyssopelagic zone of the ocean defined? How is it different from the bathypelagic zone just above it?

The only real definition of the abyssopelagic zone of the world's oceans is below 4,000 meters... Is this completely arbitrary? The other pelagic zones have apparent reasons why they were 'created' ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Source of an adage about geologists and their various interpreatations of outcrops

I once heard (read? I can't remember) an adage which stated something like this (my recall): Show an outcrop to X geologists, you'll end up with X different interpretations about its formation. (I ...
Jean-Marie Prival's user avatar