Questions tagged [iron]

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4 votes
1 answer

Is there any iron ore in New Guinea?

Generally speaking, iron is considered to be a very common resource. But I cannot find any evidence that there is any of it at all in New Guinea. Copper and gold, yes. Even nickel and cobalt. Iron on ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Non-magnetic metal extracted from magnetite ore

During an attempt to extract iron from iron ore (magnetite), we were mostly unsuccessful. Some small grains of metallic-looking material was however present in the mixture following our attempt (see ...
a20's user avatar
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1 answer

"Bohnerze" pisolitic ore in Switzerland

I am going hunting for iron ore in Switzerland and the plan is to visit some old abandoned mines in the Jura mountains. I am not quite sure exactly what I am looking for though, in the past I have ...
a20's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

Wasn't Earth a magma ocean before core-mantle differentiation?

I've always thought that the process of planetary accretion was energetic enough to keep the proto-Earth entirely molten, and the subsequent evolution of the planet (the formation of the crust, etc...)...
Swike's user avatar
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6 votes
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Formation of Hematite on Mars via Perchlorates as an Oxidizer

Hematite on Mars is generally thought to have formed either in pools of water or from volcanic activity. A comment to the answer to the question: How do hematite and magnetite form? states that ...
Fred's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is the iron on Earth's crust a leftover of the Iron catastrophe, or it was brought back by volcanoes?

When pondering the hypothesis of the Iron catastrophe, that seem to be widely accepted nowadays. It surprises me that currently the crust still contain a significant amount of Iron (5.6% in weight). ...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
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Which places in Earth's crust have the highest concentrations of Iron?

Where would somebody find the highest concentrations of Iron on or near Earth's surface?
LincolnMan's user avatar
8 votes
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Are there any signs on the Earth's surface that indicate a shrinking iron core? [duplicate]

It appears that Mercury shows some cracks on its surface that were not caused by moving tectonic plates but by shrinking due to the inner metal core cooling. The Earth is also cooling down, but are ...
Marijn 's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Mining iron or metals in nature

Upon watching all the videos from PrimitiveTechnology on Youtube, I've decided I would try something similar. I know how to make clay and use this to make an oven. I also know how to make charcoal. ...
Philippe Paré's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Why is Earth's Core Iron?

The two major constituents of the Earth's core are iron and nickel. In documentaries and scientific conversations, iron gets more attention than nickel, probably because it makes up a bigger ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Red volcanic soils - what are the likely constituents?

I live very near an extinct Andesite volcano and hiking in that area I've noticed bands of soil that have a dark red coloration. I've also been in Kauai, one of the volcanic islands of Hawaii, but ...
docscience's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Which theory is stronger, that iron came from outside or was formed within earth?

Where is the current body of science learning towards, that iron came from meteor or it was somehow formed on earth?
public static's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

How are the banded-iron-formation iron-ores formed?

Many of the richest and purest iron ores are found in so called banded iron formations, cm thick magnetite or hematite layers intermixed with iron poor rock layers. Since these are usually of pre-...
Peter Jansson's user avatar