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What kind of rock is this? [closed]

A few years ago in Venezuela, parque nacional de Cainama, the tourist guide found and gave me this rocks, he told us that a geologist told him that those could be radioactive but no one believed him. ...
PauC's user avatar
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Why does radioactive dating work on specific rocks?

As I understand it, radioactive dating measures time by what portion of a radioactive isotope has decayed. Weren't all the natural radioactive isotopes created during the solar system's formation? So ...
davidvgalbraith's user avatar
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When Earth formed 4.5 × 10⁹ years ago, how much radiation did surface rocks emit?

When Earth formed $\approx 4.5 \times 10^9$ years ago, Earth's surface rocks emitted more radiation because they had more unstable isotopes. All short half-life isotopes decayed long ago, and the ...
Châu's user avatar
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In radiometric isochron dating why is at t=0 D*/Dref=const but P/Dref not?

I am a physics graduate and trying to understand one of the assumptions made for isochron dating of rocks: at crystallization time of the rock, $t=0$, the ratio of the parent isotope to a stable ...
NeStack's user avatar
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