Questions tagged [sea-floor-spreading]

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14 votes
3 answers

Is continental drift caused by lava pushing the seabed apart?

My daughter has a writing assignment based on a handout about plate tectonics. One paragraph says: Molten rock from the earth's mantle pushes up through the surface at the mid-Atlanic ridge. The ...
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8 votes
1 answer

What are the geological mechanisms for sea floor spreading in the Bismarck Sea?

The North and South Bismarck microplates (north east of Papua New Guinea) are separated by a ridge of sea floor spreading, as described in Oregon State webpage as The tectonics in this part of the ...
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7 votes
1 answer

What is the mechanism for deep-sea volcanism of the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic?

Related to an earlier question, What is the geochemical source for the helium detected in deep Arctic explosive eruptions?, where it is stated in the linked article that there is evidence of explosive ...
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7 votes
1 answer

What is the geochemical source for the helium detected in deep Arctic explosive eruptions?

Recently, there has been explosive deep-ocean volcanism detected along the slowly-spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean (see map below), according the National Geographic news article Arctic ...
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4 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between N-MORB, E-MORB and OIB?

What are the differences between N-MORB, E-MORB and OIB with regards to: Tectonic setting Geochemical features There are several types of basalts, but I can't find a clearly explained article.
Artem Bich's user avatar