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Questions tagged [sea-level]

Questions regarding the height of the ocean's surface.

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0 votes
0 answers

Estimating global sea level at lower temperatures

In particular I'm interested in finding out what the sea level would be under a sustained average of -1.5°C below the pre-industrial mean, i.e an average global temperature of 12.23°C. However a ...
7 votes
5 answers

Are the oceans rising or the continents going down? How can we know?

The century old sustained rising of oceans, at a rate of 2-4 mm/y, remains a unexplained phenomenon; there is no correlation with temperature variations, so it is not due to the thermal variation of ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why is the creation of water from the combustion of hydrocarbons not listed as a cause for rising sea levels?

According to Accounting for water formation from hydrocarbon fuel combustion in life cycle analyses, water is created by burning hydrocarbon fuels. It seems like a major thing to exclude from "...
3 votes
1 answer

Is the surface of the Indian ocean really 106 meters below sea level?

CNN's July 24, 2023 There is a ‘gravity hole’ in the Indian Ocean, and scientists now think they know why links to the Geophysical Research Letter (Pal & Ghosh 2023) How the Indian Ocean Geoid Low ...
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0 answers

How can a tidal height be lower than 'Chart Datum'/'LAT' e.g 'Lowest Astronomical Tide'?

We just had a very low low tide in the UK, an equinoctial tide on the 12th of March that was calculated as -0.13m above chart datum, i.e 13cm below the 'Lowest Astronomical Tide'. Check here for tidal ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why does weaker local gravity cause lower sea level?

The weaker local gravity in the Indian Ocean geoid low (IOGL) causes the sea level to be 106 m below the global mean sea level. Why is that ? "Because of this lower density, the gravitational ...
13 votes
4 answers

Would it be geographically feasible to store water on land to counteract sea level rise?

Based on a misunderstanding of another post, I prepared an estimate of how much water would be required to lower sea level by one meter. the main question would be: could this be stored on land?
3 votes
0 answers

How to de-tide a daily averaged sea level data?

Coud you help me to resolve this situation? : I have a raw daily averaged sea level time series, as you know when we perform a harmonic analysis (e.g. using T_Tide from MATLAB) we need to put our data ...
3 votes
1 answer

What do interannual, annual and intrannual and interseasonal, seasonal and intraseasonal mean in the context of Oceanography?

Currently I am studying the period of oceanographic phenomena such as El Niño, and I have seen the next concepts: interannual, annual and intrannual and interseasonal, seasonal and intraseasonal. I ...
12 votes
3 answers

Does the 0m elevation height of a Digital Elevation Model (Copernicus DEM) correspond to mean sea level?

I want to model future coastal flooding caused by sea-level rise under the latest IPCC scenarios at global scale. To this end, I use the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (Copernicus DEM: https://...
6 votes
1 answer

Were sub-sea river channels formed when the land was above sea level?

In this satellite pic, on the land is the Columbia river on the western side of North America. I was amazed to see the channel within the sea, more than 125 km long. Can it be concluded, based on ...
38 votes
7 answers

Is the sea level rise unusual?

I'm discussing climate change with a friend who is a climate change denier, basically the argument is that looking at this graph, is not clear that something unusual is going on, so the sea level rise ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is it safe for me to move to the coast?

I live in Brazil, around 200 km from the nearest coast. I'm looking to move to Rio de Janeiro (a coastal city) to study at the Federal University of Rio, which is basically on an island (Ilha do ...
2 votes
1 answer

Calculate how many meters does the visible horizon dip to the far sides of vision relative to a straight line

Suppose I have a 60° fov camera pointed at the horizon and from that position I start climbing up in altitude. The higher I go the more of the earth curvature I will begin to notice. Call the left ...
5 votes
4 answers

Does melting sea ice rise the global sea level?

As sea ice is floating in oceans, it is currently occupying a volume of oceans. And also ice is less dense than water, and thus it has a greater volume with the same amount of mass compared to water. ...
11 votes
2 answers

What happens to sea level when a ship sinks?

Let's assume that a ship is traveling on the ocean and it sinks, what is the effect on sea level? Even if the effect is small, would it go up, down or remain the same?
4 votes
2 answers

If the Sea level rises, will the mountains lose their height?

I read that the altitude of mountains is measured from the sea level. So, if the sea level rises significantly due to global warming, will the mountains and hills lose some of their altitudes and ...
11 votes
3 answers

How were the sea levels around western Europe during the Medieval Warm Period?

The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) or Medieval Climatic Anomaly was a time from about 950 to 1250 when climate was warmer than in the timespans immediately before and after. My question is if this ...
7 votes
2 answers

Would the US East Coast rise if everyone living there moved away?

I watched a documentary about research on the coasts of Greenland where the sea level has fallen. According to the research, this is because a lot of the glaciers have melted, resulting in less weight ...
6 votes
4 answers

Could pumping ocean water into desert areas help reduce sea level rise?

I have been reading the discussion about pumping sea water into the desert for purposes of irrigation and changing the dry climate of that area, but what about to just purely offset the rising sea ...
3 votes
1 answer

Do the 600 satellites that orbit the Earth have any gravitational pull on the tides like the moon?

I know that space is big and satellites are small compared with the moon, but do they have, or will they if we get more, any effect on the sea and ocean water on the earth?
7 votes
1 answer

If ALL the ice melted, what percentage of the Earth's surface would be water?

At the present time, about 70% of the earth's surface is liquid water (perhaps that includes floating ice around Antarctica, and the Arctic Ice cap). What percentage of the Earth's surface would be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Paleo-sea level of the Ionian basin

Q1 - I'm looking for research on paleo-sea level on the Ionian basin. I'm looking for sources that take into account tectonics. Time period: Holocene - 30ka (and if possible, as far as 100ka). I've ...
10 votes
9 answers

Are there any (land) hills/mountains with bases below sea level?

There are areas of land that are in fact, below sea level. Are there any hills or mountains that have bases that start in these below-sea-level areas of land?
2 votes
0 answers

How is sea level rise due to a glacier melting calculated?

There's news going around (e.g. link) that the melting of the Thwaites glacier may cause sea levels to rise by 10 feet. Is that true and not exaggerated? How is the calculation made? They said the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a relationship between pressure drop and sea level rise?

Climate Fresk is a NGO which publishes a card game aimed at educating people about climate change. Card 33 (page 16 of this pdf file) reads (emphasis mine): Cyclones and atmospheric waves bring wind, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are there any (land) hills/mountains with *peaks* below sea level?

Related to Are there any (land) hills/mountains with bases below sea level?, are there any peaks or cliff below mean sea level which looks out onto even lower land? According to https://elevation....
5 votes
2 answers

estimation of prehistoric sea levels

From what reference point/level are prehistorical (e.g., Precambrian era) sea levels estimated? As I understand things, the following are true: Since the formation of continents, land elevations ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to determine ocean bottom depth for a data set consisting of longitude and latitude?

Given a data set which consists of pairs of longitudes and latitudes, is it possible to determine an estimate of the ocean bottom depth at that point? I can find maps of estimated sea depths online (...
29 votes
4 answers

Why is relative sea-level falling in Hudson Bay?

Why is the sea level in Hudson Bay decreasing so much? Hudson Bay is pretty far up north, much closer to glaciers. Would it make sense for it to recede at this level with sources of fresh water ...
14 votes
1 answer

Is there a geological explanation for the recent Mammoth tusk discovery 185 miles off the California coast?

A recently publicized discovery of a Columbian Mammoth tusk located well of the coast of California in quite deep water made me wonder if geological conditions 100,000 years ago can explain how it got ...
0 votes
1 answer

After global warming, does an ice age occur because the polar caps have melted and caused more water to absorb the gloabl warming

Is there a le Chatilier principle within Earth - Earth heats up causes global warming resulting in polar ice melt resulting in higher sea levels which takes up the extra earth temp and the over ...
2 votes
1 answer

Would freezing the ocean and storing the ice in the poles reduce effects of climate change or sea level?

Disclaimer I've read this question already on sending water to the north pole, south pole and glaciers, and I thought I'd give it my own take and see how technically possible it could be. Question As ...
6 votes
2 answers

What is the inverted barometer effect?

In a related question (Does bathymetry affect ocean topography/height?), the effect of atmospheric pressure on sea level is described as "inverted barometer". What does it mean? How does it get ...
14 votes
3 answers

How will sea level rise be distributed across the globe?

Sea level rise from melting glaciers will not be uniformly distributed across the globe. However, it isn't clear to me what places will have the most and least extreme changes in sea level rise. I ...
14 votes
1 answer

Where does the biggest land-based ice cap reside?

I'm thinking biggest in volume, regarding which area of the planet will contribute more to a raising in sea level - were the ice in those regions to melt. I can basically think of two candidates, ...
9 votes
1 answer

Dataset for expected sea level rise in case of massive meltdowns (Greenland/Antarctica)

Around the time climate change became a 'public issue' (let's say shortly after An inconvenient truth came out), figures started getting published about the expected (global) sea level rise in case of ...
15 votes
1 answer

What is a reasonable forecast of sea level in 2100?

The IPCC 2013 Physical Science Basis Report says 0.4m - 0.6m. That is somewhat dated and now seem to have contested it. ...
2 votes
1 answer

If we send ocean waters into glacier of north pole/south pole to reduce sea level, will it help global warming?

this is my first time posting in Earth Science, please be gentle to me. I am Science Enthusiast, though numbers are my enemies for now so I can't come up with formulas or any form of calculations. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why are the south, the west and the north of the Caspian sea lush but its east completely dry?

About the Caspian sea area today: The south is very lush with the subtropical forests of the Iranian provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan (although less "tropical" in Golestan) The ...
5 votes
1 answer

Was Zealandia above water during the last Ice age?

Was Zealandia above sea level during the last ice age? Like how Sahul or Sundaland were?
1 vote
1 answer

It is possible to reduce global sea level via filling empty lowlands with ocean water? [duplicate]

There are empty lowlands in Australia and Iran like Dasht-e Lut. If we fill these lands with ocean water then could we reduce the global sea level and save coastal cities like venice?
4 votes
1 answer

How far would average sea level rise from a 25% increase in total ocean volume?

What amount of average sea level rise (in meters above 2020 levels) would be associated with a 25% increase in total ocean volume? The reason I ask is because of this study that indicates Earth has ...
5 votes
1 answer

Global areas below sea level dataset?

Anyone know of an existing dataset of areas below sea level? Vector extents would be ideal. Doesn't need to be super detailed for my purposes, but it would be good if it included all areas (e.g. over-...
1 vote
2 answers

Are marine fossils in the mountain happens due to lower sea levels? This one says it is I am not sure whether to ask this in geology or biology. How does marine fossils show up in mountains?
4 votes
3 answers

Did we ever record a reduction in sea level when the Panama canal was constructed?

Are any instruments today or at the time of the creation of the Panama canal capable of detecting a reduction in sea level from the creation of it? Given the size of the canal in comparison to the ...
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0 answers

The seemingly impossible formation time for the local sea arches and caves

I live in Hong Kong. As a nature lover, I often spend time visiting the south-eastern coasts of Sai Kung Peninsular - a local nature reserve. The area's famous feature is the coastal erosion landscape....
4 votes
0 answers

Mass budget of coastal erosion and ocean deposion

This question made me wonder: how much mass (or volume) of material is eroded by the sea each year? Of this mass, how much is deposited in the oceans? (As Michael pointed out in his answer, part of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any animation to demonstrate if the sea level rise up?

I found a very cool video here: Draining Earth's oceans, revealing the two-thirds of Earth's surface we don't get to see However, I ...
1 vote
0 answers

What will the sea level be when the ice caps/glaciers melt? [duplicate]

I have my views and you have yours, so I ask a question, what was the average sea level in Athens, Greece 2,720 years ago? What was the average sea level in ancient Rome 2,420 years ago? https://en....