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Questions tagged [time]

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How often do landslides occur?

Recently, i noticed that on the 27th of August, 3 landslides occured across 3 different countries : Italy,Japan and Yemen.
Uno's user avatar
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What is the rationale for having four time zones for Greenland?

According to this map Greenland has four time zones. On one hand, it is understandable given the vast size of the island. On the other hand, Wikipædia gives the size of population of Greenland to be ...
S. N.'s user avatar
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How to define sub-year groupings in ISO-8601 for climatology - What week numbers constitute a season?

ISO 8601 is a time/date standard that allows for sub-year groupings - for example, 2024-25 indicates a time period of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, year 2024. I am constructing a climatological ...
EJSABOLK's user avatar
5 votes
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"3.5–1.75 billion years ago" or "1.75–3.5 billion years ago"?

I wrote "3.5–1.75 billion years ago" in an academic manuscript recently (referring to a period that began 3.5 billion years ago and ended 1.75 billion years ago), and a professor suggested I ...
KQUB's user avatar
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Converting EET to UTC ignoring EEST

I have measurements of pollutants. data = data.set_index(data.index.tz_localize(timezone('EET'), ambiguous='NaT', nonexistent='NaT').tz_convert('UTC')) This command converts the EET time to UTC. It ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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When does the International Date Line concept break down?

Edit: this is a very silly question, sorry about that :/ I won't delete it though. When I was little and learned about the IDL, my first thought was the following: if I could do a couple of circles ...
DL33's user avatar
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How fast can water erode stone?

Is there a way to know, how fast can water erode stone? I mean, if I just put a single stone and drip water on it 24/7, how soon will erosion become noticable? I've seen a video about "15,25 and ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Why the reversed-order terminology for paleocene/eocene and eoarchean/paleoarchean?

I just learned that the eoarchean era comes right before the paleoarchean era, whereas the paleocene epoch comes right before the eocene epoch. This is quite confusing. Is there any sense behind this (...
WillG's user avatar
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What is the true time when the sun is directly over Perth given that the W.A. time is taken from Southern Cross

What is the true time in Perth western Australia when the sun directly overhead, given that the state time is calculated at Southern Cross.
Ron Bell's user avatar
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Problems when interpolating time series data (average problem)

Hi I want to create two isotope data (1970-1980) and (2010-2020). As you can mention, the interpolation for the two maps is based on the average value measured at different stations in each time ...
Weiss's user avatar
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Why does the earth rotate in correlation with it's rotation around the sun to such precision?

I find it bizarre that the earth rotates at nearly 365 1/4 times per year, requiring an extra day every 4 years. I would have thought that this is just a rough estimate, but looking into leap seconds ....
user17791008's user avatar
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Perihelion Vs Aphelion position of Earth

Why is the length of the apparent solar day less at aphelion than when compared to perihelion.
Sourabh Jain's user avatar
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Is there any DST to ST transition happening at the end of the day?

I am a software developer, and I am testing a DateTime converter right now. I need to see if the conversion works when a timezone is transitioning from daylight saving time to its standard time at the ...
Nae's user avatar
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Will the definition of the second be changed?

(Please excuse my English) A well known fact about Earth's rotation(around its axis) is that the rotation is slow down due to the tidal friction. And because of it, the length of Day is slowly ...
pdh0710's user avatar
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Why is Cambrian denoted with such a weird symbol?

I find Ꞓ such an odd-looking symbol. What's the historical significance, etc, of that symbol? Latin letter C with bar My understanding is, C was the Carboniferous, K for Cretaceous... why not ...
matt's user avatar
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Does the hour thingie on a 24-hour clock represent the apparent "motion" of the Sun "around" the Earth? [closed]

While looking at this photo of a 24-hour clock: ... it struck me that, maybe, it could be seen as a visual ...
Brytan Benko's user avatar
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What US State has the most complete rock record? [duplicate]

The title seems self explanatory to me. I thought about it when I was looking at a geologic map of Utah, and it seemed to include an exceptional amount of time. I mean this in the sense that there ...
Brian's user avatar
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What happens when the North and South poles flip?

How long does it take the magnetic field to move once the poles start to flip? What environmentally would change? Does the core of the Earth flip? The magnetic poles are moving now. When will it start ...
Muze's user avatar
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What are the farthest Time Zone locations? [closed]

What place in the world has the farthest time zone? I heard it was Kiribati but then I found that Apia (Samoa) is further. So, is there anyplace that is the farthest in time than these two? What about ...
ekcs's user avatar
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Ages of the Andean Cordilleras

What is the timing of the rise of the Andes, especially if focused on the chronosequence differences among (Western, Central, Eastern) Cordilleras uplift.
perep1972's user avatar
8 votes
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Seeming correlation between time of day and earthquakes

I live in a generally geographically active area (Southern California, near the San Andreas fault, if that matters), that has had two relatively minor earthquakes that I have felt in the last week (in ...
sharur's user avatar
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Precession & Time

Assuming precession occurs on a 26000 year period, will we eventually have to change time zones (forward or backward) to adjust for this? The way I see it, in continuous time, we will eventually be at ...
colin's user avatar
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which are the two countries with the flight time between them and time zone differences are equal [closed]

I have been flying to different countries so often and this question came to my mind out of nowhere! Which are the two countries with the flight time between them and time zone differences are equal? ...
Mikail's user avatar
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4 answers

Why do the earth sciences use mega-annum instead of mega-year?

I've noticed that geology and related fields use mega-annum (Ma) instead of mega-year (Myr) as the unit for 1 million years. Why is that? Is an "annum" different from a "year" in geology?
NeutronStar's user avatar
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Difference between Proterozoic Nagari Quartzite and Gulcheru Quartzite

The Eparchean Unconformity forms the boundary between Proterozoic Nagari Quartzite and Archean Granite. Now, the Gulcheru Quartzite marks the onset of sedimentation , after Eparchean Unconformity in ...
Faraz Gerrard Jamal's user avatar
9 votes
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Changes in Earth's orbital and rotation speeds

What are the Earth's maximum and minimum orbital speeds around the Sun? Is there any way to calculate orbital speed at any point of Earth's orbit? Is there a way to relate this to the calendar? Does ...
PSA's user avatar
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How long does it take for fossil fuels to renew? [duplicate]

Overtime, we've located, drilled, and used a large portion of our planet's fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are found underground, and are dug up to be used as a form of energy, (ex: Oil found by drilling ...
Eevee's user avatar
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How much of one day can be considered nighttime, on average?

What is the split between night and day on Earth on average? To further clarify, assume we are on the equator, I want to know how long a time, as a percentage, you could consider to be nighttime on ...
Sam Chamberlain's user avatar
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Oldest to Newest Bedrock in the USA "road trip"

I am supposed to design a road trip (using major highways) across North America. I have to design a route that starts with the oldest rock of Archean age and finishes with the youngest rock of ...
Alexander H. R.'s user avatar
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The sun rises up at 7:30 in 25°E, What time will the sun rise up in 15°E?

I've a question about time calculating. The sun rises up at 7:30 in 25°E, What time will the sun rise up in 15°E? What I've tried $$25° - 15° = 10°$$ By the way $$10° . 4 = 40 \space \text {...
Mark's user avatar
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Adding time dimension and corresponding new variable to a netcdf file

I have created a x,y netcdf file and now want to add additional time energy variable. So that for each grid cell I have a energy time value. My script is like this in Python: ...
Sensation's user avatar
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2 answers

Least populated time-zones [closed]

What are there any loneliest places on earth in term of population per time-zone? What is the answer for full hour time-zones (UTC+1,UTC+2..) and in other including for example UTC+4:30? SORRY I may ...
bobiscool's user avatar
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How to handle leap years when working with environmental conditions time series?

I have a time series of snow and temperature and I want to analyze changes over time for a specific period of time: 15 April - 15 June. In the perpetual calendar April 15 is the day 105 and in a leap ...
MSS's user avatar
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Calculating Solar Noon from Sunrise and Sunset [closed]

I've seen the solar noon formula described as snoon = 720 – 4*longitude – eqtime. I'm curious if it is equally reliable within a relatively small margin of error (+-...
Brad's user avatar
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Why isn't the sun due south at noon? [closed]

I was going to ask a question about why the sun is not due south at noon throughout the year. There was a discussion on this site about daylight savings time, GMT, longitude, time zone boundaries and ...
Richard Adams's user avatar
13 votes
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How long does a magnetic pole reversal take to complete?

Geomagnetic pole reversal is a "regular" phenomenon on Earth. Although the interval pattern has been irregular at times (sometimes with millions of years of difference between change intervals), Earth ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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What is this time zone called? [closed]

There is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and British Summer Time (BST). One is used in the United Kingdom (UK) in the winter, and the other in summer. Is there a three letter abbreviation for the time zone ...
se84 's user avatar
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Why would moving the prime meridian hasten the time when it would be necessary to drop a day from the calendar?

I'm reading the sci-fi novel Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman, and in the story a pope in the post-apocalyptic future moves the prime meridian from England to the U.S. It is an unpopular ...
TheOrionArm's user avatar
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What does "rapid" mean in terms of igneous rock formation?

Specifically, what time period would it take for obsidian as opposed to basalt, to form? (I need to know how much faster obsidian cools than basalt.)
Layla's user avatar
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Are the length of seasons the same globally?

Is the length of time, say months, for each season the same all over the world or can it vary?
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