Questions tagged [topography]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Topographic differencing using lidar

I have two lidar images which I want to use to do a topographic differencing. The two lidar images are of different spatial resolutions and are not co-registered. What is the best method to line the ...
Chayan Lahiri's user avatar
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How are mGal-smooth free-air gravity anomaly measurements made exactly? (tiny variations of acceleration on a bumpy airplane ride)

Free-air gravity anomaly measurements from Operation Icebridge aircraft are described in A fault-bounded palaeo-lake basin preserved beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet (open access). Question: These ...
uhoh's user avatar
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How to plot orography for vertical profile of a certain variable along pressure levels in GRADS

I am using GRADS (1, 2, 3) to plot ERA reanalysis relative humidity profile for latitudinal average of 15N to 37N, and along the longitude from 40E to 130E. The orography is quite obvious and thus ...
khan's user avatar
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What is this mountainous relief feature?

I was going through an old Indian survey map, when I saw this unfamiliar relief feature. It looked like a cross between a hachure and saddle. Could someone help identify it?
MrGubbo's user avatar
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Biggest discrete spire on earth?

I was sniffing around some Mariana topo maps yesterday and found a really discrete spire that seems to start at 35,000 ft and rise to 8,700, making it 26,000 ft tall. As per the attached pictures. Is ...
Dad's user avatar
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Where can I find a list of mountain chains on the Earth?

I want to make an app for smartphones that lists the mountain chains of the world. Where can I find a list of all mountain chains that are presently outspread on the Earth?
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Topography and flash flooding

I'm looking for a study or document showing the effect of the topography, slopes, the sea level and the tide on flash flooding occurrence. Thanks in advance
Nour's user avatar
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Is there a formally-defined converse of a Prominence Walk?

My question was inspired by this one - in particular, the subtopic of pumping water from the ocean to the below-sea-level basins to deal with rising sea levels (spoiler: it's horribly infeasible and ...
pr1268's user avatar
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