Questions tagged [water-table]

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16 votes
1 answer

Are there situations where the groundwater table doesn't follow the morphology of the surface?

In most or all geological site reports I read, the groundwater table (of the uppermost groundwater layer) always followed the morphology of the surface. Is this always the case? Are there signs for ...
mart's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

How can we have groundwater depletion when the Earth is 78% covered with oceans?

Why does depletion of underground water levels happening, if the Earth is covered by nearly 78% water, and there is also water in rivers and lakes? How can we still lack groundwater?
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9 votes
1 answer

Lab procedure for analyzing/assessing the presence of semi-volatile solids

I'm looking for a lab experiment design that shows how to measure the presence of semi-volatile solids in water (and not sludge or soil or solids). All I have found so far are chromotography/mass ...
Shekhynah's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What is meant by inverted water table?

There are some papers in literature which discuss stream-aquifer interaction. They describe that the stream aquifer interaction ranges from connection to disconnection. When there is disconnection, ...
Ather Cheema's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How far can water wick up above the capillary fringe in sediment or soil?

The capillary fringe is the area above the water table where the water is held in tension so that the connected pore space is completely saturated, although variation in pore size means that there is ...
haresfur's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why confined aquifers have low storage?

Identical drop in head in unconfined and confined aquifers releases different amounts of water. The confined aquifer releases less water and thus has less specific storage. When both aquifers are ...
Ather Cheema's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How do we compensate the water that is being taken out of water cycle for curing of concrete in infra construction?

Concrete is the key ingredient to building housing, roads, and all kinds of infrastructure. Curing of concrete makes sure that the infra is rock solid and reliably durable and safe. But, it also ...
lousycoder's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Are the Great Lakes Getting Cleaner, or worse?

I live in Hamilton Ontario which a major city right on the shore of Lake Ontario, and I was just doing some personal research on the pollution levels in lake Ontario. Generally the water here has a ...
user6910's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does an artesian well dry slower than a normal well?

In the diagram below, well A is an artesian well and well B is a normal well. Well B's pipe is lower than the water table. By looking at the picture, I decide that well A would try quicker than well B,...
MathWA wenti's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Linear Boussinesq Equation for groundwater flow in inconfined aquifer?

I was reading a paper (equation 1 in linked paper) where they used 'linearized Boussinesq' equation to model groundwater in unconfined aquifer. The linearized Boussinesq equation described in the ...
Ather Cheema's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Searching for ground water

I would like to attempt to build a well-type structure in a woodland area. This woodland is mainly inhabited with Silver Birch and Sycamores and there is a shallow stream running down off of a ...
Charles's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is difference between partially penetrating stream and fully penetrating stream?

If fully penetrating stream means, the stream penetrates fully to the depth of aquifer, then doesn't it mean that there is zero conductance or leakance? The leakance or conductance is a term used to ...
Ather Cheema's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What effect does river channelization have on the surrounding water table?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but most rivers lie where the water table protrudes into open air. In other words, the water table level is exactly the same as the river water level. (Wikipedia has a good ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How much water do aquifers contain? How much does it take to deplete them?

How much water does a typical aquifer contain, and is casual well use is likely to deplete them? Your answer can take many forms, but an ideal question would cover these sort of areas- would a single ...
Nepene Nep's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What effect does concretization (paving/flooring with concrete) has on ground water table

I am a newbie for hydrology. If the question seems to have "well known answer", I appreciate if you point me to the resources. I will add details to the question based on comments. Consider a town of ...
blackpen's user avatar
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