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Questions tagged [weather-satellites]

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2 answers

Alternative solution to Meterological weather forecasting systems

As a alternative to Weather forecasting systems, Can machine learning prediction algorithms assist in predicting hurricanes? What will be the input dataset for predicting future hurricanes which will ...
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are satellite cloud type observations based on cloud top pressure instead of temperature?

The ISCCP DEFINITION OF CLOUD TYPES is a table of cloud top (CT) pressure and optical thickness. I'm curious if anyone is able to explain the choice of CT pressure over temperature given cloud level ...
Rey's user avatar
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What does the SST field represent in the GFS forecast/ analysis?

What does the SST field represent in the GFS forecast/ analysis? For example, in the ERA5 reanalysis product, the SST is a foundation SST taken from the OSTIA. Similarly, what is the SST in GFS? Is it ...
The Emerging Star's user avatar
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Since when are there global air temperature measurements?

I keep reading that global air temperature has been recorded since 1880, but considering that it wasn't until 1911 that Amundsen became the first person to reach the South Pole, it cannot be assumed ...
Weiss's user avatar
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How to download atmospheric/oceanographic data for a given region in the sea?

I am trying to get data of atmospheric temperature, wind intensity and/or atmospheric pressure for a specific region of the sea, since I have ocean bottom pressure data from a fixed instrument (lat,...
Miguel 's user avatar
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The motion of the upper-level outflow of a typhoon

I was taught that while the motion of a tropical cyclone is mostly cyclonic, there is an outflow at the top whose motion is anticyclonic. So I expected an animated satellite image of a typhoon to look ...
hmje's user avatar
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Limitations of satellite radar for precipitation measurement?

Companies like are promising satellite-based weather radar. However, I can easily imagine several flaws (especially in combination with the greater distance to storms than a ground-based ...
Kofthefens's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

Why aren't weather balloons left in the atmosphere permanently?

I was reading about weather balloons and the articles said that weather balloon flights usually last about two hours. When I looked up why, some articles said that when the balloons get high enough in ...
user11937382's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to open AVHRR files downloaded from NOAA CLASS?

I have been making RGB photos of AVHRR images from NOAA CLASS using the preview images (channel 2 & channel 4) As you can see, it isn't very good. I have been wanting to use channel 1 and channel ...
Kamty's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What is this warm circle in the middle of Russia?

I noticed on World Weather Map over the last 2 days Russia has had an isolated circular warm spot which seems very uniform and hasn't changed for at least 2 days: see here and in below image. Any ...
bobfossil's user avatar
4 votes
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Wind animation from satellite

I have been fascinated with the wind animation that I have seen on sites like Zoom earth. What is the "thickness" of the air stream that the animation represents. How far from the surface is ...
Stevan V. Saban's user avatar
5 votes
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Are the images of city lights from GOES-East GeoColor based on real-time imagery?

Are the images of city lighting portrayed on these shots from the GOES-East CONUS satellite based on real-time imagery? This time-series was taken as the line of nightfall swept from east to west ...
quiet flyer's user avatar
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Visible satellite imagery, atmospheric anomaly (descending air) in cumulus fields?

When looking at GOES satellite imagery, in the visible channels. I have noticed these "lines" if you will, usually forms in Cumulus fields. I understand the process of the 'Mackerel sky' (...
Kfly's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Total Cloud Cover% from NOAA inverted?

I'm trying to find and use data involving total cloud cover %. I have downloaded data from NCEI/NOAA specifically here and I'm plotting it like this: ...
Isabella's user avatar
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How can I relate aerosol particle size (2, 5 and 10 microns) with the aerosol index measurement of the Sentinel-5P (TROPOMI) data sets?

I would like to know the relation of aerosol particle size (2,5 and 10 microns) with the measurements from the Sentinel-5P TROPOMI data, in the wavelengths 340-380 and 358-388 nm bands.
Irene Belzunce's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Rainfall Anomaly Index using satellite data

I'm working on a script for calculating the Rainfall Anomaly Index1 (RAI) for an area using satellite imagery to estimate precipitation. The context I have seen the RAI used in before is for weather ...
Mach's user avatar
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Introductory course on interpreting GOES-R satellite images?

As you might be aware, GOES-R is a very rich satellite system that delivers near real-time weather information for the globe. There are at least 16 channels reported (this site is great for monitoring ...
luchonacho's user avatar
2 votes
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Is cloudfraction a proper measure of gaseous data expanse?

I was working with SO2 column data product from I wanted to know, is the cloudfraction data ...
Suryansu Dash's user avatar
1 vote
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In meteorology, are satellite data "better" than reanalysis data?

More specifically, can it be argued that satellite data are more reliable because they are direct measurements of physical quantities, while reanalysis data depend on the processing and merging of ...
duff18's user avatar
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Understanding the color coding of a weather map

I came across an infrared weather map like this I couldn't find any legend on the colorbar's color convention. Initially, I thought that might be the color for reflected light's wavelength, but there ...
Galilean's user avatar
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What is real impact of Precision Agriculture? [closed]

I am just wondering what is the real impact of Precision agriculture. I came across Airbus Intelligence and their Earth Observation services (Agriculture, forestry, environment) - It seems nice and ...
Luckasino's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why are the clouds white and Australia black in weather satellite infrared images?

The question Is the sunlight on the GOES-16 Imagery reaching from the east? shows a visible light image and so in the night areas the Earth appears dark and in the day areas the Earth is a bit ...
uhoh's user avatar
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5G interference with weather observation, a thing already?

The scientific community expressed concern that global 5G would potentially threaten weather forecasts by scrambling frequencies in the microwave spectrum used for water vapor, atmospheric temperature ...
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Could we control the weather with a disk in space?

There is recorded evidence from solar eclipses that the moon's shadow has a detectable weather effect. If we placed a disk in space we could project a cold spot onto the planet and control it's ...
Martin's user avatar
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GOES image: parallel trains of clouds. What to make of them?

Here is a GOES visible image from today, 2019-12-01 about local noon, around Nova Scotia. Note the parallel trains or streaks of clouds, running approximately northwest to southeast. A few hours ...
John's user avatar
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Weather Forecasts

Are weather forecasts such as on or other apps continuously updated for each location and updated by an operator or is it just a computer automatically updating the forecast?
Ryan Amalfitano's user avatar
6 votes
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Are these plane trails seen from satellite

Here are photos from West of Normandy, at 7-9am after sunrise on the 14th of may, from the visible satellite. It's a bit strange that they are visible from space, they are 2-3 miles wide? Are they jet ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
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Where are old Himawari weather satellite images available to the public? Is the 18-Dec-2018 Bearing Sea fireball still there?

In Scott Manley's new video 173 Kiloton Explosion Over Bering Sea Was Asteroid Breaking Up a bit after 01:30 he says The good news is that in these days of near-...
uhoh's user avatar
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Where can I find archived night microphysics images from EUMETSAT? I

I want night microphysics RGB composite from EUMETSAT. I'm looking for archived images. I tried finding them on EUMETSAT's data center page. Data from different channels of SEVIRI is available but ...
rafiuddin mohammad's user avatar
0 votes
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Projecting rectangular stereography centred on 42°N, 10°E

I am reposting from GIS Stack Exchange as here might also be someone who might help: I have a precipitation GRIB2 file obtained at EUMETSAT H-SAF I am able to decode it to ascii but the software I am ...
Alešinar's user avatar
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Why do tethered aerostats have lower persistence than stratospheric balloons?

We have been thinking of using Aerostats/Balloons for an environmental monitoring project in our university. We have been considering 2 options: Tethered Aerostats (which fly upto 1 km) and ...
shivams's user avatar
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Quantifying long term melt record on glacier surface

I intend to create a long term melt record on a glacier surface. What are parameters required to efficiently calculate the same using satellite, weather station observations & reanalysis datasets (...
Rahul's user avatar
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Where can I get good raw meteorological data for Middle East?

I live in the Middle East and I am really fond of understanding meteorology and using raw data make my own weather predictions. However, a limitation I encounter here is that most raw meteorological ...
Taimur's user avatar
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Looking for global cloud cover animations or videos

I am looking for a video of global cloud cover. Something like an animated version of this image: (Originally presented at
SuperMac1963's user avatar
7 votes
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Global Land and Sea Surface Temperature Data

We are a spin-off from TU Munich and currently working on equipping a CubeSat with a thermal imager. The imager should be able to acquire thermal/ir images with resolution of about 200m/px. In the ...
Thomas Grübler's user avatar
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Looking for fun and illuminating weather visualizations

I'm looking for illuminating and fun weather data visualizations like e.g. EarthWindMap. More specifically, I was hoping to find wind vectors overlayed onto a prognostic chart to visualize how the ...
David D.'s user avatar
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Is archived lightning data from the GOES-16 beta test available?

I was only able to find real-time data. Or do I have to wait until the Geostationary Lightning Mapper is greenlit for production in 2018?
spillthrill's user avatar
5 votes
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doubt about the 'white spaces' in the maps from satellite

I have a doubt about the 'white spaces' in the maps from satellite. For example, for the atlantic areas I have plotted AOD and appear many areas where sistematically do not have any data (white spaces)...
Adilson Vladmir C. Veiga's user avatar
6 votes
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Convert satellite image data (GOES 15) into solar irradiance values?

I have GOES 15 satellite image data (GVAR_IMG) for a project that I am working on. The files are end in .BAND_01, .BAND_02, etc. I use the Panoply tool to view these files, but am looking for an ...
Karuna's user avatar
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What causes the counter-intuitive presence of CO2 in the atmosphere during spring and summer months?

Recently, I stumbled upon this NASA map of the Earth from the OCO-2, a satellite that measures CO2 density in the atmosphere. Specifically, I'm ...
Throsby's user avatar
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8 votes
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Alternative WMS servers for GOES-East satellite imagery

I'm having some difficulty finding a WMS (web mapping server) for North America GOES-East satellite imagery that matches my needs (visible and IR4, timely, with no alteration of grey-scale pixel ...
John's user avatar
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Great Lakes - cookie cutter clouds

On 2014-07-10, in the afternoon, the GOES East satellite image in the visible showed a mass of cloud in central North America. However, in the middle, the Great Lakes stood out in a most extraordinary ...
John's user avatar
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Does anyone know of a comprehensive listing of geostationary weather satellites?

Periods of operation at longitude--current as well as historical. The historical list on Wikipedia is incomplete. Is there a single site with status of operational satellites (real-time) or do you ...
kwknowles's user avatar
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Why were no interferometers launched on weather satellites between the '69-'72 IRIS-D and the 2002-onward AIRS?

As early as the late 1960s / early 1970s, Nimbus-3 carried Iris-B and Nimbus-4 carried Iris-D, both infrared spectroradiometers with a moderate spectral resolution. Subsequently, I believe it was not ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Why is there no High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) on Metop-C?

The weather satellites Metop-A and Metop-B carry copies of the High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS), an instrument with a heritage back to 1975. Considering that Metop-C is part of the ...
gerrit's user avatar
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