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The hypothetical tag is used for questions about processes that are unlikely to occur, but which may act as useful thought experiments and provide general insight into the processes in question.

1 vote

How big does a pointed piece of tungsten need to be to self-propel into the earths core by g...

Yes, tungsten carbide does have a hardness of 9, but neither it nor diamond, which has a hardness of 10, are immune to wear from friction. It's how rough diamonds get transformed into cut diamonds. F …
Fred's user avatar
  • 25.1k
2 votes

Why would moving the prime meridian hasten the time when it would be necessary to drop a day...

There is no basis in logic to have to subtract a day due to a change in the prime meridian. Both the Julian & Gregorian calendars require days to be added, not subtracted. It's why we have leap years …
Fred's user avatar
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3 votes

How big is the influence of tree leaves on global windsystems?

Wind is largely driven by differences in atmospheric pressure. The effect of trees and forests is to force the winds to flow over the forests. The loss of leaves in forests would result in winds havi …
Fred's user avatar
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2 votes

Fictional Land - How can I keep dense fog in an area for half a day?

The heat of the Sun can "burn off" fog. So a lack of direct sunshine, cool temperatures & humidity (evaporation of water from a nearby body of water or saturated or wet ground) are key to maintaining …
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