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41 votes

Does this peer-reviewed study (referenced in Forbes) contradict the accepted position that climate change is real?

I want to know if that article has been refuted anywhere Yes. You can read all about it in the blog post James Taylor misinterprets study by 180 degrees. In short, the original paper was designed ...
Gimelist's user avatar
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17 votes

Why don't errors accumulate in climate models when the time horizon increases?

Error does accumulate in climate models out into the future -- that's why the forecasts include a range of possible results, that gets wider the further into the future you look. See, for instance, ...
LShaver's user avatar
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13 votes

Looking for the mathematics so I can run climate change simulations

Full scale climate models The atmospheric climate simulations that are presented in the IPCC reports are performed by quite large and complex models. Running these models needs a "supercomputer&...
daniel.heydebreck's user avatar
13 votes

What is technically wrong with Wijngaarden & Happer's paper claiming to show that CO2's contribution to surface warming is saturated?

To answer the original question about CO2 saturation, I'll describe spectral absorption. Each gas in the atmosphere absorbs light at specific wavelengths, and some wavelengths are absorbed more than ...
Zim Sherman's user avatar
11 votes

What caused peak CO2 to rise, starting about 400,000 years ago?

First things first: There's nothing per se wrong in science with answering "We don't know" to a vexing problem. This might well be one of those cases. The question you are asking was asked by Imbrie ...
David Hammen's user avatar
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10 votes

How to calculate w-wind?

Omega, ω is closely related to w in meteorology. It can be moved towards w using the chain (this reminder from Watkins at SJSU helped)... ...
JeopardyTempest's user avatar
10 votes

How is global greenhouse gas emission calculated?

Your question is simple enough, but the answer depends on what exactly you're looking for. Who is emitting where right now? Real-time global monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions with a high ...
gerrit's user avatar
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10 votes

Why don't errors accumulate in climate models when the time horizon increases?

There is a huge confusion between errors in weather forecasting and climate prediction. While weather predictability is fundamentally limited to a few weeks, in climate modelling we are interested in ...
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
9 votes

Would adding sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere have a global cooling effect?

There have been a range of studies on the issue published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and other scientific journals. The short answer is "yes." The longer answer is "yes, but...." In ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
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9 votes

How to run earth system, land surface and climate models?

As alluded to in some of the comments, all of the CMIP5 models will have been run on supercomputers, and it takes a lot of effort to get one of them running on a new platform, even for a team who know ...
Deditos's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is a future increase in solar luminosity by 10% supposed to have disastrous consequences for life on earth when the last 30% did not?

In this regard you can think that the Earth system is like a house with heating but no Air conditioning. Therefore, it has a powerful mechanism to stay warm when the solar illumination is weak (...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
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9 votes

How is global greenhouse gas emission calculated?

I can imagine a satellite observation-based model that calculates emissions on a spatial basis but I am not sure if our technology is advanced enough to do that accurately. It is. The first ...
Jean-Marie Prival's user avatar
9 votes

How to estimate temperature based on known points in a map?

That basic regression will give you a rough guide, sometimes rougher than others. To get something accurate you'd have to model the topography, the dominant air currents, and the moderating effects of ...
Ash's user avatar
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8 votes

North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) future prediction - Academic papers?

A good start is the article by Goodkin et al. (2008) that relates past fluctuations of NAO to climate variability and argues that in the late 20th century NAO changes are much more dramatic as a ...
arkaia's user avatar
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8 votes

Looking for evidence against some points raised in Ivar Giaever's speech on climate change

Temperature differences y/y are very small compared to natural variation during the year This is only saying that we have a large seasonal cycle. It says nothing about low-frequency variations. Once ...
El Niño's user avatar
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8 votes

Kalman - Data assimilation with external model

$M$ is the forward model you are using. It is the dynamical model used to solve whatever discrete equation evolves the field ($d?/dt=$). The best way to start with data assimilation and understand ...
arkaia's user avatar
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8 votes

Confusion with precipitation values in CORDEX MPI-ESM rcp data

TLDR; The precipitation values (and possibly some other variables; see below) need to be divided by 24. Background The global attributes of the netCDF file in the question provide an URL to a ...
daniel.heydebreck's user avatar
8 votes

difference between different meteorological models

In general, the relation between the three datasets is as follows: The simulation model is initiated with a set of boundary and initial conditions, and will on the long-term provide good mean ...
Jorn's user avatar
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8 votes

Where can I find detailed description of different VARIANT-IDs in CMIP6 metadata?

The variant_labels are defined in the CMIP6 Data Reference Syntax (DRS) document and are made up of the realization_index, initialization_index, physics_index and forcing_index. A link to this DRS ...
sol1105's user avatar
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7 votes

Looking for evidence against some points raised in Ivar Giaever's speech on climate change

Temperature differences y/y are very small compared to natural variation during the year, and the trend we see could be statistical illusion, especially that the scientists who developed the ...
Dikran Marsupial's user avatar
7 votes

Are we now and/or have we been in the RCP8.5 scenario?

In short, I would say that it is too soon to say. But, if I were forced to guess: I would indeed incline to say that we live in a RCP 8.5-ish scenario. I'm not an expert at all on climate models or ...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
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7 votes

How to run earth system, land surface and climate models?

We are moving all of CESM to open source - in particular here is the latest version of the Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM) Formerly known as CLM, CTSM ...
Jim Edwards's user avatar
7 votes

Are we at the beginning of a Heinrich Event?

Definitely not. A Heinrich event requires massive ice sheets to grow and then collapse in the Northern hemisphere. The large outflow of icebergs that would result form such collapse would deliver ...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
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7 votes

About the actual radiative impact of greenhouse gas emission over time

There is no doubt that the sooner the mitigation effort happens, the greater will be its impact. In other words, the impact on year 2100 climate of the sequestration of 20 billion tons $\ce{CO2}$-eq ...
Camilo Rada's user avatar
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7 votes

Where can I get hourly ambient temperature for each county in United States?

You can get this from the Integrated Surface Dataset (ISD). First get a list of all weather stations from <...
gerrit's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is it that "With higher CO2, the dry gets drier and the wet gets wetter"?

To my best knowledge, the paper by Held & Soden (2006) is the first paper that discussed the concept of the rich get richer. They used the climate change experiments generated for the Fourth ...
ahmathelte's user avatar
7 votes

Geotiff for Elevation Data or NetCDF

'Better' will depend on your planned usage - any global product will have limitations in terms of overall accuracy and precision, and both the Aster photogrammetric data and the widely used radar SRTM ...
Andy M's user avatar
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7 votes

How to estimate temperature based on known points in a map?

Have you looked into K Nearest Neighbors regression? You can take the nearest k (say, 4) known points and average their temperatures. Has its drawbacks, but it's pretty good for interpolation. Readily ...
mikhail's user avatar
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6 votes

Do current general circulation models model climate oscillations?

How the models do at this sort of interannual variability for the current climate is described in Section 9.5 of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). For example, the section about ENSO says, The ...
Deditos's user avatar
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