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7 votes

Does the California cyclone change the California current?

I'm certainly no oceanographer, but my initial thoughts were that most currents likely both vary and meander a lot. And I'd expect much like the semi-permanent atmospheric pressure systems, apart ...
JeopardyTempest's user avatar
4 votes

How Fast Could a Cyclone at the North Pole Achieve?

There's a few problems with this question. The first is, the Coriolis effect isn't a force in and of itself. It's a velocity dependent effect. If the wind speed is zero over the North or South ...
userLTK's user avatar
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Cone of uncertainty in cyclones

As the name suggests it is a region of uncertainty. There are many uncertainties when modeling and predicting weather systems. When meteorologists model the path of a cyclone/typhoon/hurricane they ...
Fred's user avatar
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2 votes

Is surface temperature relevant for the creation of high- and low pressures areas?

Your logic is wrong. Do not think of the atmosphere as a closed system. Your analogy of heating a bottle is not appropriate. In uncomplicated terms, the Sun heats the ground, the ground radiates ...
Fred's user avatar
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2 votes

Extratropical transition of tropical cyclone

No, it is not sufficient to just discuss the behavior as it moves into higher latitudes. ET occurs because of environmental reasons, not geographical reasons. How much of a beginner are you? My ...
BarocliniCplusplus's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any possible way that a tropical cyclone of any strength could form over land?

Yes, it would be possible for a tropical cyclone to form over "land" in extreme circumstances. Tropical Storm Claudette of 2021 is a notable example of the phenomena known as the "brown ...
Wyatt Huber's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any possible way that a tropical cyclone of any strength could form over land?

No, it isn't possible for cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons, which are all different names for the same thing, to form over land. Storms can form over land, but not hurricanes, which draw their power ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
2 votes

Why do tropical cyclones get more attention than extratropical cyclones?

Extratropical cyclones are relatively well understood. They often follow the Norwegian Cyclone model, which was developed in the 1910's and 1920's. Because of their spatial extent, extratropical ...
BarocliniCplusplus's user avatar
1 vote

Aerosol injections to manage European heatwaves?

My question was naïve to the weather dynamics —so the answer is technical: the heat is on the ground, not in the stratosphere. So there are two things, infrared deflection into space and radiative ...
Matteo Ferla's user avatar
1 vote

What happens if a cyclone can reach the warm waters of the Persian Gulf?

Sea surface temperatures warm dramatically as one moves toward the western Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, where the water is protected from mixing and exposed to fierce subtropical summer sun. ...
Keith McClary's user avatar

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