Are there any DIY conductivity sensors that will hold calibration for long periods? {multiple months}
I've built DIY conductivity probes for subglacial measurements. Unfortunately my sensors remain under ~100m of ice so I haven't be able to recover them to check the calibration, but for the same ...
Using accelerometer as a seismograph
The magnitude of an earthquake is related to the total energy released, therefore to estimate it from a seismogram you need to know the distance to the source. In the case of the Richter scale for ...
How can I test my house water supply for hydrocarbon presence?
Chances are you do not have presences of fuel in your water. This sounds like you could have a few different things happening.
First off, iron reducing bacteria can lead to significant corrosion. ...
Atmospheric visibility measuring device
The transmissometer setup should be quite easy to build in principle, but it could be hard to get accurate values. I did a very similar instrument but to measure water transsmisivity (a.k.a. turbidity)...
How can I test my house water supply for hydrocarbon presence?
While the best way to test for hydrocarbons in drinking water is to get a specialized test kit like the one you posted in your edit or to send a water sample to a lab, there might be a cheaper DIY way ...
How can I test my house water supply for hydrocarbon presence?
This question might be better suited for Chemistry or another place, and I'm not certain Earth Science is the place for it.
Without being an expert on groundwater, water supplies, or hydrocarbons I ...
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