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7 votes

How to install ESMF and ESMFPy in Ubuntu using gfortran, gcc, python?

First download the esmf tar file from Then install netcdf library and gfortran compiler using ...
Manmeet Singh's user avatar
7 votes

How do I start with Modular Ocean Model version 6 i.e. MOM6 on my ubuntu linux machine?

You can follow the instructions I wrote at
Manmeet Singh's user avatar
5 votes

Is Challenger Deep really the deepest place in the ocean?

Short answer : yes Challenger Deep was discovered by (and named after) HMS Challenger in 1875. This was the world's first true oceanic scientific voyage. They took a LOT of soundings but compared to ...
winwaed's user avatar
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5 votes

SWAN wave model: HSIG is strangely low

You need to use the following line in your model setup: COORDINATES SPHERICAL Otherwise SWAN will try to calculate wave properties on a curvilinear grid with ...
Ingvar Lukas's user avatar
5 votes

A problem of the 2-Layer hydrostatic model

Let's say our goal is to find $\eta$ which is the displacement of the fluid relative to its resting position at $z = H_2$. We find \begin{equation} \begin{split} p_2 - p_1 &= \require{cancel} \...
Joscha Fregin's user avatar
3 votes

Can phytoplankton growth be stimulated in oceans to sequester CO2?

Research into the topic has been intermittent for a variety of reasons. Ocean iron fertilization experiments – past, present, and future looking to a future Korean Iron Fertilization Experiment in the ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
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2 votes

How large were Mars' ocean tides and to what extent could they keep the oceans mixing and tend to keep salinity uniform? Has this been modeled?

I will attempt a partial answer. A search of Web of Knowledge finds that most of the papers addressing Martian tides either focus on atmospheric tides and their role in Martian weather or what current ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
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2 votes

Is Challenger Deep really the deepest place in the ocean?

All of the deepest locations are in subduction zones/trenches, where one tectonic plate is being dragged under another one. The greater the angle of subduction the greater the potential for depth of a ...
Fred's user avatar
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2 votes

How to install ESMF and ESMFPy in Ubuntu using gfortran, gcc, python?

Actually, you probably shouldn't install it. If you're comfortable using Linux, then you would be better advised to use the docker container instead, with it already installed. That way your system ...
Software Engineer's user avatar
2 votes

Global tide calculation

Science-quality tools for global and regional tidal heights and transports are available at
John's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the mean amount (in grams) of dissolved carbon in a ton of sea water?

This graph at Wikipedia/Wikimedia is part of the answer : source:
Nyny's user avatar
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2 votes

Ship turning causing calm water

I feel bad answering this one without any research reference, but I can tell you that what you are seeing in the OP's picture is a 'man overboard drill.' In that drill, the objective is to rotate the ...
kingledion's user avatar
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1 vote

Swell spectrum and wind spectrum

Although it is unclear which model(s) you are using, mathematically speaking: Assuming that wind sea and swell are uncorrelated, combined wind sea and swell (total sea) can be described by a double ...
Ingvar Lukas's user avatar
1 vote

Regional and Relative Sea level

Assessing sea levels is a complicated business, as there are a number of factors which can affect sea level relative to a fixed point on land. For a start, land levels rise and fall; in some places ...
Michael Walsby's user avatar
1 vote

How will global warming affect climate systems like the ENSO or the MJO?

Still undetermined, though a number of papers on the subject suggest global warming will increase the variance in both of the climate systems you mention. They suggest more research and more refined ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
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