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Rob's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
7 votes

Is there a quick way to roughly estimate how quickly a flood will move downstream?

5 votes

Does negative reference evapotranspiration make sense using FAO Penman-Monteith equation?

5 votes

Hydrology- flow accumulation

4 votes

Are the water year/hydrological year different around the world?

4 votes

What's the difference between these most basic, first-order models for estimating runoff?

4 votes

Topography & physiography

3 votes

What would be a reasonable set of thresholds for flood severity classes?

3 votes

Code for DEM based flow routing in R

2 votes

How to check the recurrence intervall of heavy rain events

2 votes

How to estimate the runoff time for my area?

2 votes

Can we define "drainage density" for a soil column (point-scale)?

2 votes

Comparing Pros and Cons of SWAT and HSPF

2 votes

Area reduction factor reference for precipitation

2 votes

Accepting/refusing high rainfall measurement

1 vote

Are there ways stormwater attenuation can be quantified for comparison between different systems or conditions?

1 vote

how to know the correct results in watershed delineation in ArcGIS?

1 vote

How to obtain the correlation between monthly streamflows based on physical concepts?