How do the web services exchange meteorological data?
One method is transferring NetCDF and GRIB data and hooking them up to your software.
I read here about the possibility of using WFS and WCS. Here, I read about the proposal of using calls like dataQuery, similar to getCapabilities of WMS servers. I also note that NASA uses JSON output, e.g. for the DCP-30 dataset. In Europe, the INSIPRE committee publishes very complex guidelines . DWD, UK Met office and others recently held a conference on that.
Is there a global standard and what is it? I know the OGC-DWG is working on that since 2009. What are the latest updates?
Addendum (Full forms of Abbreviations)
- WMS : Web Mapping Service, a Server that responds with a map image of a spacific area, or about its ability to serve.
- WCS : Web Coverage Service, similar to above, but serves gridded data, e.g. temperature, covering a continuous area.
- WFS : Web Feature Service, similar to WCS, but serves features on an around a given point (or points) - thus discreet, not continuous.
- DCP : Downsized Climate Projection, a low resolution dataset projecting the future global climate. 30 indicates 30 years in future and so on.
- OGC : Open Geospatial Consortium , a non profit organization standardizing geospatial data.
- DWG : Domain working Group, a workgroup in OGC specializing in a particular field, one in this case for standardizing meteorological and oceanographic data exchange.