I have a question about planetology. I'm not sure if it belongs here, but the astronomy stack exchange seemed a bit odd, too.
I would like to enhance my understanding of Love numbers. Love numbers quantify the deviation from equilibrium tides on a planet. For a homogeneous body, you can write, for example $$ k_2 = \frac{3}{2}\Big(1 + \frac{19}{2}\frac{\mu}{\rho gR}\Big)^{-1}$$ where $\mu$ is the rigidity, $\rho$ is the density, $R$ is the radius of the planet and $g$ is the gravity constant. I have been taught that for non-homogeneous bodies, e.g. planets with a core etc, there is no simple analytical expression and you need numerical techniques. I have been reading a paper about exactly that, but I don't see what equations are used to obtain $k_2$. In this article, the interior of the planet is described by Maxwell models and a pseudo-period Andrade model. These rheological models are used in conjunction with so called structural models for the interior. It's not clear to me what these are, either. I think they are equations for pressure and temperature. The article then says: "Based on these, the tidal Love number $k_2$ is calculated and compared against measurement."
Does anyone know what equation needs to be solved to obtain the $k_2$ Love number? Or what steps need to be taken to do such a calculation? Or if you know a relevant reference, anything is greatly appreciated, because I don't know where to start.
EDIT: I found a calculation for planets in hydrostatic equilibrium (see my own answer below). If someone knows the equations for a terrestrial planet with viscoelastic behaviour, I would still be interested in that.