I'm building an R package (https://github.com/ibarraespinosa/wrftools) to read namelist.wps and return a dynamic map which you can make zoom. In my case, it would be very beneficial because writing a namelist.wps can be tricky. The problem is that I need to know the EPSG or spatial reference (http://spatialreference.org/) to transform the spatial data to WGS84. Hence: What are the EPSG code for: Lambert conformal, Mercator and polar stereographic projections
Edit 1: According to the WRF Manual , page 3-10: "As a general guideline,
the polar stereographic projection is best suited for high-latitude WRF domains,
the Lambert conformal projection is well suited for mid-latitude domains, and
the Mercator projection is good for low-latitude domains or domains with predominantly west-east extent."
What I want to do is to tell R how to recognize these projections (spatial references), so that I can plot into the map.
Note: The example is from Brazil but the idea is that it can be used anywhere.
I would like to know:
If projection is lambert, the EPSG code is XX or the spatial reference is "+proj=lcc +lat_1=YY..."