So I tried to calculate the rise of waterlevel myself. But the results I have gotten seem to be pretty low:
Given the earths radius, I clalculated different Events:
1) If all landice melts there is an increase of the earths radius of ~54m. This number should be a bit higher because only ~70% of earths surface is water. For the ice I also didn't took the change of density into account because its relatively negligible.
2) Then I calculated the new radius given the annual loss of ice 2011-2014. This number was surprisingly low with only ~1mm each year.
3) And for the extreme increase of water temperature globally of 9°C I took the Global Water Volume into account. But the increase of 5.2m is not that big either.
So are my numbers as expected or did I do something wrong? Because these numbers don't explain the predicted massive increase of the sea level in the near future.