I am working by WRF-ouput files (wrfout_d01_2016-01-16_00:00:00).
I extracted and printed latitude and longitude data from the "wrfout_d01_2016-01-16_00:00:00
", using the R tool.
Does anyone know why latitude and longitude data do not have a particular order and are always increasing and decreasing in ascending order?
As shown, the latitude or longitude increased and decreased? and have no regular trend?
[1] 12.82095 12.88860 12.95492 13.01984 13.08341 13.14562 13.20647 13.26591
13.32399 13.38069 13.43599 13.48991 13.54243 13.59355 13.64328 13.69160
[17] 13.73850 13.78400 13.82807 13.87075 13.91199 13.95181 13.99023 14.02719
[25] 14.06274 14.09683 14.12950 14.16074 14.19053 14.21889 14.24580 14.27127
[33] 14.29530 14.31786 14.33900 14.35867 14.37688 14.39365 14.40897 14.42283
[41] 14.43523 14.44618 14.45567 14.46369 14.47025 14.47537 14.47903 14.48121
[49] 14.48193 14.48121 14.47903 14.47537 14.47025 14.46369 14.45567 14.44618
[57] 14.43523 14.42283 14.40897 14.39365 14.37688 14.35867 14.33900 14.31786
[65] 14.29530 14.27127 14.24580 14.21889 14.19053 14.16074 14.12950 14.09683
[73] 14.06274 14.02719 13.99023 13.95181 13.91199 13.87075 13.82807 13.78400
[81] 1**3.73850 13.69160 13.64328 13.59355 13.54243 13.48991 13.43599 13.38069
[89] 13.32399 13.26591 13.20647 13.14562 13.08341 13.01984** 1**2.95492 12.88860
[97] 12.82095** 1**3.19722 13.26527 13.33195 13.39727 13.46122 13.52379 13.58498**