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3 votes

What would a rock thin section look like without any polarizers?

It would look almost identical to the image obtained using plane-polarised light. Some minerals would look darker, especially those with strong pleochroism such as biotites and amphiboles, because ...
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2 votes

Help with petrographic analysis of a complex mineral

It would help to be able to see photos with the stage at different points of rotation. However, this looks like a mafic volcanic rock with olivine being replaced by iddingsite in the top left; so ...
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1 vote

What do opaque rims on biotite in a volcanic rock mean?

There are several options. During decompression, biotite is no longer stable and the hydrogen volatilises, leaving behind fine-grained intergrowth of oxide and silicate minerals. Oxidation of the ...
Gimelist's user avatar
  • 23.3k

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