While looking into the better indicator of how miserable it feels outside, either dew point or relative humidity, I came across this statement:
The optimum combination for human comfort is a dewpoint of about 60°F and a RH of between 50 and 70% (this would put the temperature at about 75°F).
Source: http://www.theweatherprediction.com/habyhints/190/
This led me to this calculator that will calculate the temperature given relative humidity and dew point - for example a dew point of 70°F and a relative humidity of 90% results in a temperature of 73.11°F. The web site for this calculator says the values are based on the August-Roche-Magnus approximation and gives the following equation to calculate temperature:
$T =243.04 \Large \frac{\frac{17.625\ TD}{243.04+TD}-\ln\left(\frac{RH}{100}\right)}{17.625+\ln\left(\frac{RH}{100}\right)- \frac{17.625\ TD}{243.04+TD}}$
Given the equation, I'm still having a hard time figuring out how the temperature is being calculated. Can somebody please explain how the temperature is being calculated in simple terms?