In the mainstream media the problem of ocean level rise is presented rather... over-simplistically - ice melts -> more water flows into the oceans -> water level rises -> continents sink.
But it is in reality a complex system, it is not like pouring water in a glass... or a lake that resides on a continental plate.
Both continental and oceanic plates float on top of the mantle as both are lighter and lower density, and both exert weight and compress the mantle.
Therefore, if water is removed from continental plates by means of melting ice, the continental plate gets lighter. And when that water migrates to the ocean, the oceanic plate gets heavier. And since for every action there is equal in force and opposite in direction reaction, it seems logical that the now heavier oceanic plate will actually push the now lighter continental plate up, to some extent compensating for or possibly even reversing the change in ocean level relative to the continental plate.
So, do the estimates account for the dynamic properties of that complex system?