Besides the Google Earth application suggested by shahryar
I'm not aware of an online tool that could do the job you are looking for.
What I would do is to download the files and operate with a NCO or CDO to select the domain you are after (so that you can get rid of the "big" file immediately after and save disk space).
If you are working on a windows machine and cannot use NCO or CDO, a way to automatize at least the downloading procedure would be a script in R.
Something like this:
opts = curlOptions(proxy='my_proxy', userpwd = "mypassword", netrc = TRUE) ##you need to get the credentials beforehand
var = c("pr","tasmax","tasmin") # put variables here
rcp = c("rcp45", "rcp85") #put the Climate scenarios here
mod= c("CCSM4", "GFDL-CM3", "IPSL-CM5A-MR", "MIROC5", "inmcm4") #put the GCM models you want here
year=c(seq(2036,2050,1), seq(2086,2100,1)) ##here you can select the years you are looking for
for (v in var) {
for (r in rcp) {
url<- paste0( '', r, '/day/atmos/', v, '/r1i1p1/v1.0/', sep='')
for (m in mod) {
for (y in year) {
nfile<- paste0(v,'_day_BCSD_',r,"_r1i1p1_",m,'_',y,'.nc', sep='')
url1<- paste0(url,nfile, sep='')
destfile<-paste0('your_destination_path_NASA_NEX/',r,'/',v,'/',nfile, sep='')
bin <- getBinaryURL(url1, .opts = opts)
writeBin(bin, destfile)
In the middle of the loop, using ncdf4
(give a look here) you can nest few lines to pick the portion of the data covering your domain, store it, and get rid of the original file you just downloaded.
This is time consuming though. Surely it would be more efficient to use a combination of wget
(as explained here by NASA) and then NCO
or CDO