I'm working on a programming project in which I want to show isobars on a map with OpenStreetMap and the HTML tag canvas. The main problem that I'm facing is the dificulty of retrieving consistent data to draw the isobars and, therefor, calculate wind speed and direction.
I gave up trying to find real time data, and also I'm starting to doing so about getting open sea data (atmospheric pressure and temperature data in open sea, the first idea I had). So, right now, I'm searching for a platform where I can retrieve this kind of data in Europe (Spain in particular would be very nice) so I can start working on drawing isobars and calculating wind variables. I looking for measurements with some density (for example, 200 or 300 points of measurement across Spain within 4 times in a day) to draw the isobars.
The best (and kind of only) way to do so would be in JSON, because it would be quite easy to manipulate and work with the data, but also plain text would work.
Thanks to anyone who answers me.