A lot of people seem to believe that the entire cause of global warming is that humans are emitting lots of carbon dioxide. However, according to a source I found online (I accept it may not be entirely trustworthy) roughly 46% of trees on the planet have been destroyed since the dawn of the human race, we cut down 15 billion trees every year! Another source I found says that 16 trees absorb the amount of CO2 the average active person emits every day (an active person emits roughly 1kg of CO2 every day). This means we have destroyed enough trees that we no longer can support 937.5 million people! It also means that those trees are no longer taking in 937.5 million kg of CO2 . Here's a line chart showing deforestation from 1800 to 2010. The deforestation rate has gone up.
Credits to the appropriate authors.
Clearly, the global temperature of the Earth has gone up because of carbon dioxide, however the carbon dioxide has gone up because we are destroying plantlife. So, my question is: "When talking about global warming, why does nobody talk about plantlife? Wouldn't plantlife have a more immediate effect on getting rid of carbon dioxide than limiting how much carbon dioxide we emit?".