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Is equivalent potential temperature constant also for dry adiabatic processes?

Equivalent Potential Temperature, defined as $$\theta_e = \theta \cdot e^{qL/c_pT}$$ with $\theta$ denoting potential temperature and q the specific moisture of water remains constant for wet ...
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Forecasted temperature in the shade vs. theoretical "feels-like" temperature in the sun

I understand that different objects absorb different amounts of light (blackbody absorption). I wonder how feasible it would be to calculate the approximate temperature in the sun based upon the ...
OxC0FFEE's user avatar
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How do I find the temperature of the air mass, and how do I use a t-skew chart?

So the first problem I'm stuck on is this one: An airmass is moving down a mountain from point A to B. At A the temperature is -10 Celsius and the pressure is 890hPa. At point B the pressure is 1010 ...
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