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Questions tagged [paleoclimate]

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Create my own timeline by collating data from different research

I'm researching various paleo-events (climate, geomorphology, etc) from different articles. I would in turn like to collate the findings into one comprehensive timeline. Example: I have articles ...
Nautilaus's user avatar
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MATLAB - How to plot multiple timeseries (paleoclimate) with a common x axis and multiple stacked y axes?

I'm trying to create figures in MatLab and am a reasonably new user, I'm wondering if there is a good way to make plots that use a common x-axis and then vertically stacked and alternating y-axes as ...
Harry's user avatar
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Why was the temperature change greater in higher latitudes than in lower latitudes during the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum?

In the "Plankton cooled a greenhouse", which is the article written by Birger Schmitz, it is stated that the subtropical regions became warmer during the PETM(Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum) but the ...
Senna's user avatar
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